Beeminding in the UK

It occurs to me that there might be a bunch of us on this side of the pond.

Any interest in a London meet-up?

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I’m interested if it’s held in the next 48 hours :wink:

Sadly this has been conference fortnight. First was Intersection, the enterprise design conference, in Copenhagen, and then the big European enterprise architecture conference this week. Can probably manage a hello, but not much more.

Your next world tour might make for a good date to plan around, though.


I’m on the right side of the pond, but not really close …

I’m up the road in Reading, so it should be pretty straightforward to hop on a train down.

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I’m over by Cambridge, but it’s pretty easy for me to get into London. I’d be up for a meetup.

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I’ll be in London June 28-July 9. It’d be nice to put faces to names.

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Perthshire is a long way to travel from, I’m afraid, but if a meet-up coincides with one of my trips south, I’ll see what I can manage.

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As a Londoner I’d certainly be interested, although I’m out of the country until this Friday, and then again from the beginning of July.

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Potentially interested but access from Leicester requires booking time and trains early.

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