Complementary Tools: HabitRPG

Can you please elaborate more on what type of tasks you use in HabitRPG and what types for beeminder. I saw your beemider goal for HabitRPG and read the goal statement and it seems to me that there are tasks with the same goal on both systems by noticing that you have some similar goals in beeminder as well. Isn’t that make it confusing for you a little bit?

I began to think seriously to use HabitRPG because of your recommendation and maybe it will be the perfect system to fill the gap in beeminder in rewarding Retroratchet and perhaps other things that may popup in my mind that cannot be used in beeminder as I wish.

Just wanted your expertise to be shared with us to shorten the learning curve on how to complement beeminder with HabitRPG and how to distribute my tasks on both systems.

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