Intercom's Product Management Book

I made it to the end of the book. God I love Beeminder so much!

Here are my notes:

  1. There are no small changes. Everything affects everything else, including documentation and support. The work involved in actually changing the code is the tip of the iceberg.
  2. Getting some functionality for free is like getting a free pet, ie, expensive.
  3. Beware the fre-cently bias (overweighting things you hear frequently or heard recently). I.e., discount the whims of a small sample of vocal users.
  4. (Plenty of obvious things like not doing trendy shit.)
  5. Sprinkle some Quick Wins in your roadmap so there are never long periods where customers feel the application has been abandoned. (Could call it the Anti-Cobweb Principle? See Trevor Blackwell’s footnote in our UVI blog post. This is a way bigger deal than people appreciate, in my opinion.)
  6. They make a pretty good, if self-serving, argument for in-app messaging – the time when users care about new features and tips and such is when they’re using your app.
  7. Don’t be afraid to say no to feature requests or even to kill existing features.

There’s obviously more than that in the 60-page book but I think a lot of it was not advice I needed (or needed so badly that I didn’t recognize it?). So, if you’re sufficiently like me, then hopefully I have saved you a lot of time by distilling the book into those 7 points!