Introduction Thread: Getting to Know You!

  • Name: Sean, but poisson is fine.
  • pronouns: he/him
  • gallery: here, although some of my most important current goals (toggl goals for time spent working on specific projects) are hidden, and some others have cryptic names
  • favourite goal: Kind of hard to answer, because I’ve kind of been in a beeminder slump for a while now I think. It’s currently archived, but I think my favourite goal is still nonfiction, which added up the pages read on all my nonfiction reading goals in order to make sure I made a goal to read a new book after finishing the previous one (as simple as it is, just proud of my own metaminding script). I have high hopes that I will break out of my slump and get a new favourite goal out of the anti-smartphone goal I made for May’s new month’s resolution, however…
  • What I use beeminder for: in the past year, toggl goals have been the most consistent players, with some for work and some for hobbies. Historically I had exercise goals as well as weight loss and calorie goals, and nonfiction reading, and lots of flossing / waking up / going to bed kind of goals. I have a huge list of archived goals. Perhaps this is a sign I need to get better at making goals stick…
  • Hobbies: Piano, cooking, video games, ttrpgs, reading, learning japanese, manga, anime, scanlation.