Let's never say "Yellow Brick Half-Plane" again

Ha! Thank you, @oulfis! Yeah, it’s pretty silly how I can’t keep myself from saying “yellow brick half-plane” all over the place but absolutely correct that as soon as everything’s converted and there’s no such thing as non-YBHP (we’ve gotten through all users starting with A so far! plus all the daily beemail subscribers) then the term will have thoroughly outlived its usefulness.

Great idea to focus on “bright line” as a metaphor.

In fact, inspired by you, here’s the email we’re now sending to people when we convert them (active users only):

Subject: we just converted your beeminder goals to be more bright-liney

Quick heads up that we just converted your goals to use our snazzy new graphs where there’s no longer such a thing as so-called lanes of the yellow brick road. We worked hard to make this change as minimally impactful as possible and predict you’ll mainly notice some aesthetic changes to your graphs. If not (or if you don’t like those aesthetic changes, or have any other feedback) please hit reply on this email to let us know! Actually we’d love to hear from you either way, even if it’s just “thumbs up” or “all good” or “wouldn’t have noticed but thanks!”.

For the gory details: Announcement: The Yellow Brick Half-Plane Has Arrived | Beeminder Blog

Thanks for all the beeminding!
Danny and Bee and the rest of the Beeminder team

I’m still attached to “yellow brick road” though. I can’t tell if that’s irrational. Maybe it still works to think of the yellow region that hugs the bright line as the yellow brick road?

One other relevant recent thread: