New Month's Resolutions 2025

The January goal of imposing more regular observations submitted to eBird worked just fine. I submitted a total of 21 checklists throughout the month (and might submit another one today), so most of the time I was with a sufficient amount of buffer not to think about this goal at all. But there were a couple of times when the goal moved into the <10 safe days zone, nudging me to break a span without submitted checklists. Exactly as I envisioned for this goal to work. Will be keeping it for a while longer.

For February, I decided to do a goal that nudges me to eat more fresh fruit and veggies. I have been tracking the intake for a few weeks here: 5-a-day, and it appears that I am eating the 5 servings, once recommended by WHO and who not, just fine, without the goal imposing any extra effort on me. So it was serving mostly as a reminder to log the day’s consumption. I have then found that many recommending bodies have updated their recommendations to the vicinity of 7 servings a day. So, for the month of February, that’s what I will try to do. Same goal, but upped to 7/day for the month.

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