Penalty $ increased before I updated record

The amount of my penalty went up before I updated my record, and stayed there after I updated (I hadn’t missed a day). How to I get it to go back down since I stayed on track?

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Hi! If you derailed and it wasn’t legit, you have to contact the support team to let us know what happened. It won’t automatically go back down, and there’s nothing you can to do to make that happen (even when you add data, you’ll still be charged, and the pledge will still increase).

So you’ll need to reply ASAP to the “legitimacy check email” you should’ve got; if you didn’t get that, then check in your spam folder for it and see if it might be there. If you still can’t find it, shoot us an email at; don’t forget to explain what happened and include the link to the goal, in that case!

Thanks for mentioning that you expected to be automatically un-derailed – it’s useful to hear about this kind of confusion! Do you have any thoughts on why you thought that, e.g. was there something unclear in our help documentation? Always keen to dig in on that kind of confusion!