shanaqui's Beeminder Journal: 2023


  • None yet!

New goals:

  • /bibliophibianorbust - To post three times per week on my blog (which might be reviews or other features that come up, it doesn’t matter). Tracked with RSSminder.
  • /meditationminutes - Starting with a rate of 7 minutes/week, and adding +2/week each week. I’ve already set the increase to 9 minutes/week for next week. I expect to do more than 1 minute/day most days, but hopefully this will help me to slowly build up a meditation practice. I’ll add an autoratchet once I have a feel for how likely I am to overachieve.
  • /moredaysthannot - For exercising more days than not in the year ahead! Even the bare minimum counts.
  • /2023reading - Tracking the number of books read this year, via StoryGraph, since Adam got me hooked up with the ‘books’ metric instead of pages!

Changes to existing goals:

  • /stepitup - I’ve got this going again, and told the autodialler it has a minimum setting now, so hopefully that will help. Again, starting with baby steps, just 1000 steps a day, hoping that the autodialler will help me ratchet up the difficulty to the right kind of level.
  • /intensityminutes - Same, this now has a minimum setting on the autodialler, and I’ve manually set it to 10 minutes/day.

Project Bookminder:

I make goals for various books from my backlog that I would like to read and could use a nudge on. These are flat for at least 8 days when started, and then every time they’re down to 7 days remaining, I add more flat spot. This way, I regularly have to interact with them, to ensure they stay top-of-mind. I aim to have 15 of those at once. Goals that are in progress have a rate of 5 pages/day, and an autoratchet so I can never have more than a day’s buffer.

  • /splitting - For reading Amanda Ellison’s Splitting: The Inside Story on Headaches. I started it before making the goal, so it’s a 5/day goal with autoratchet, straight away.
  • /theatreroyale - Since I’m now at 14 total backlog goals, and 15 seems a manageable number, this is a backlog goal for Ada Moncrieff’s Murder at the Theatre Royale. It’s a Christmas mystery, though, so I expect to start it up soon and read it fast, hopefully before Twelfth Night. I certainly inhaled the previous book in the series!


  • And here we are, embarking upon 2023… Happy new year to you all, and best wishes!