Banking progress across goals

Continuing the discussion from Between Lion and Ladybird, or Figuring Out What Works:

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You can of course beemind this.

The IFTTT triggers can add a datapoint to the ā€˜bankā€™ goal every time a datapoint is added to one of the underlying goals. If you need to scale this to account for an ā€˜exchange rateā€™ then you can (probably) use our IFTTT macros.

But thereā€™s no need to shuffle balances between the underlying goals, which breaks any QS value.

Each of the underlying goals can have a relatively conservative slope, whereas the do-something-today impetus is in growing the bank.

A also use the Plan Bee feature of autoratcheting to make sure that none of the underlying goals gets neglected.

A concrete example: my own general fitness goal, which gets a point regardless of whether Iā€™ve been for a run, to the gym, etc. I donā€™t need to go for a run very often to keep the running goal on track, but I need to do something that will grow the fitness ā€˜bankā€™ every day.


I think I wasnā€™t very clear about the bank I use. Each task has its own ā€˜bank accountā€™. So that I will not break any QS values here. The only rule to deal with the bank is that I cannot take 4 hours from task 1 account unless I put 4 hours in any other taskā€™s account.

This will allow the ability to be flexible. So if my daily plan is to work in all of my tasks for a total of 12 hours (task 1,2,3 each for 4 hours), in a day that I feel I can push myself more and do the most important and boring task (task 1), I can do task 1 for 8 hours and do 2 hours for task 2 and 3. Here, I will add in task1 bank account +4 , and add in task2 account -2 , and add in task3 account -2 .

I would love if I can do that 8 hours for task1 everyday, but the energy to do something like this does not happen everyday. This is just an example. A lot of day to day serendipity will happen that will need changes for the schedule of that day on the fly. Beeminderā€™s 1 week akrasia horizon will prevent such necessary changes. Flexibility in this sense is a real need for most people.

Of course, to prevent akrasia, the total amount of taking and putting in the bank for all tasks in a single day should be >= 0 .

And putting a conservative slopes for all tasks (like 1 hr for task 1,2,3,) will have the disadvantage of being less motivating to do what I wished for. The whole idea of Beeminder is pushing me to do what I wish and what I think I am able to do everyday. However not all my days are the same. Sometimes task1 will get a larger chunk of my day and sometimes task 3 will get the most.

I think it was clear, thanks. It seems to me that, as described

  • the current reported total progress on any of your goals is likely wrong (i.e. reducing QS value)
  • thereā€™s a slippery slope of how much ā€˜in debtā€™ a particular goal can get
  • thereā€™s no mechanism to help you keep track of the entries (or to keep them in balance)

Even just starting to beemind an overall bank-balance ā€˜goalā€™ would help enforce that. Send all your plus and minus datapoints into the bank goal and itā€™ll make sure that youā€™ve stayed above zero for the day.

The slope on the bank forces overall progress. The conservative slope on individual goals marks what minimum amount of progress I have to make.

Of course, I use auto-ratchet to make sure that I donā€™t build up so much safety buffer that I could completely forget about a goal. But even the discipline to regularly manually ratchet each goal is less than the discipline to 100% correctly run a banking scheme.

You must also have some (outside-Beeminder) way of enforcing that you donā€™t always choose to do task 1 and never do task 2.

People who need Beeminder tend to be very good at rationalising the reasons that their slippery self-enforced schemes are necessary. It usually turns out that theyā€™re slipperier than they are necessary.


@philip Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

Thatā€™s a good idea.