Beeminder API Reference maybe out of date

There may be some cases of the schema in the API Reference being mismatched with what is returned. For example user says it returns this schema:


  { "username": "alice",
    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "updated_at": 1343449880,                       
    "goals": ["gmailzero", "weight"] }
  { "username": "alice",
    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "updated_at": 1343449880,                       
    "goals": [ {"slug": "weight", ...,
               "datapoints": [{"timestamp": 1325523600,    
                    "value": 70.45,            
                    "comment": "blah blah",     
                    "id": "4f9dd9fd86f22478d3"},
                   {"timestamp": 1325610000,
                    "value": 70.85,
                    "comment": "blah blah",
                    "id": "5f9d79fd86f33468d4"}],
               "title": "Weight Loss", ...},
               { another goal }, ... ],
    "deleted_goals": [{ "id": "519279fd86f33468ne"}, ... ] }
    username = username or self.default_user
    if not username:
        raise ValueError("Username must be provided either in arguments or as default.")
    params = {
        'redirect_to_url': redirect_to_url
    return self._get(f"/users/{username}.json", params)

When I try it the response format is pretty different.

  "username": "example_user",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "goals": ["goal1", "goal2", "goal3", "goal4", "goal5"],
  "created_at": 1729548032,
  "updated_at": 1730048622,
  "urgency_load": 24,
  "deadbeat": false,
  "has_authorized_fitbit": false,
  "default_leadtime": 0,
  "default_alertstart": 34200,
  "default_deadline": 0,
  "subscription": "plan_type",
  "subs_downto": "plan_type",
  "subs_freq": 12,
  "subs_lifetime": null,
  "remaining_subs_credit": 0,
  "id": "dummy_id_123"
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