New Goals
remindersurgency This is a goal to track whether or not I’m keeping my to do list focused and sorting it out regularly, as much as a goal to actually do the things on it. One leads to the other, at least that’s my theory. So far, going terribly, but I feel it’s a step in the right direction. I posted a thread about how this goal works at Urgency Load for To Do Lists.
Rate Changes
I thought it’d be useful to note here which goals have been recipients of rate changes thanks to my ratechanges goal. I’ve made minor increases to pomodoro, exercisetime, fitness-plus, mindfuldays, storygraph and beeminderthread in the last month.
Other Comments
My attempt to push everything back over the akrasia horizon is going terribly as well, but I don’t feel especially overwhelmed by the high urgency load. It’s managable, and nothing is actually due today which gives me freedom to choose what to concentrate on today.
The last couple of weeks have had odd things happening that have meant it’s hard to keep plugging away at everything. But that’s part of the point in doing things before they are due, so that the safety buffer can be used when it’s needed. As I said previously…
and as @ianminds points out in the post above this, safety buffer gives you space to plan, but it doesn’t actually keep you from derailing by itself.