sage Hello, I’m before-Christmas-Kirsty, I can’t be bothered to sort out the company accounts even one little bit but I think that in-between-Christmas-and-New-Year-Kirsty will be motivated to just do a tiny bit to stop this goal derailing. What do you think in-between-Christmas-and-New-Year-Kirsty? (Silence.)
New Goals
newmonthresolution - a commitment for the New Month's Resolutions thread. I have lots of ideas for new goals and think this is a good way to try a few out on a regular basis. And also it’s stopping me from trying too many things at once as I need 11 more ideas to save for other months!
journal - my january goal for the new month’s resolution. commitment to add at least 50 entries to a DayOne journal over five weeks. I’m hoping this lets me write down and remember things in a controlled manner rather than getting upset and depressed with my past self which is how some other nostalgic things (eg timehop) have made me feel previously.
daylight - the Apple Watch’s ‘time spent in daylight’ metric has intrigued me since they announced it and now it’s beemindable (in the TestFlight version of the Beeminder iOS app) so I’m beeminding it with no real commitment to see how it goes. (20 mins/day which is way below what seems to be my average, but also I sometimes struggle to get out of the house in daylight at all on short winter days)
My read 50 books a year goal is now my official entry into New Year's Resolutions: Ride or Die 2024 Sometimes Beeminder feels like cheating: I feel it was pretty simple to finish 4 books in December but I really wouldn’t have done it without the encouragement of New Year's Resolutions: December Dry Run