Beeminding order from numbness

I used taskratchet this week to get me over the hump (the very hard initial part of starting a thing) for the set of 2nd language flashcards. Now its only a matter of repeating w/ beeminder. kinda helped that the penalty was 90$ but i still pushed it to last minute which shows how resistant I was and how much it just wasnt going to get done if i wasnt destined to find taskratchet. what probably also helped was losing 30bucks the first time i failed it :frowning: still hurts

now i have focusmate integrated w/ beeminder so the next steps are reviewing flashcards on my focusmate sessions till i have memorized them.


Lol, we might be twin brothers at this point! I relate to your answer a lot too. Or we might all be autistic on this forum :joy:. In any case, no biggie, we’re going to make it!!

To sum it up: we know how to be good specifically but have trouble with the eagle view or on the long term?

I do this using auto-ratchet and binary goals for certain stuff that must be done periodically. You can use metaminding with the cap1 aggregation method to create a binary goal that is 1 when you spent at least 1 minute on the task. You can also do 10 minutes each time you enter red? And get a buffer?


True, I usually try to avoid manual goals whenever possible. Manual time-related or binary goals especially.

One-minute goals also don’t work for me. If I’m super avoidant, I’ll do it for one minute and stop, no problem


Although, I will say it does make it more likely to set up a better goal, eventually, so they’re not entirely a waste of time


Another way to tell it: if you are producing software, deliver from day 1. Don’t build thousands of lines of codes for software with tons of features but won’t really work because it wasn’t really focused on the right stuff.

I took your advice and literally did this! I deployed the minimum viable Streamlit app that I could and shared it with some people I know will be able to use it! It feels great.

I wanted to add all these other features. I still do! But I can just…add them after releasing it.


Congrats! This motivates me to ship stuff haha


Caught myself getting into a loop of spending time on something without pushing through the blocker today, hopefully I can get the next bit done.

Trying not to lose momentum - don’t know quite how to beemind this yet.

But setting a higher number of complice stakes each morning has been productive - usually, I can knock those things out much quicker.

Now, I could be a bit more deliberate about how I set those up.

I have a bunch of goals set up with morning deadlines, somewhat staggered. (11am, 11:30, 12pm). Stakes should be the last thing - after I’ve reviewed my journal entries/notes.


Ok, just pushed some new features to my streamlit app. I also had somebody reach out to me to use one of the charts in a blog post - good stuff IMO


I need to do this, I forgot I had asked about it:


Trying to figure this out, but I think I can accomplish the same goal with IFTTT?

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I tried experiment with using toggl tags instead of projects, since I found some stuff like refresh-time or journalreview` didn’t have a clear demarcation. But this ended up with me doing a little of both and tagging the entire time slot. So I’m switching back to a project based system for a new goal to journal


This has been a good call so far. I’ve separated some out into:

  • mind dump: just write stream of consciousness
  • morning reflection: answer some structured questions I’ve got written down in obsidian
  • values writing: why am I doing what I’m doing today. Should probably up this a bit

New intervention is using beescheduler to increase those commitments on Mondays, specifically.


I think there is a disconnect between people who look at their graphs and me, who doesn’t. I just edge skate. I wonder if the edge-skating is due, in part, to not looking at the graphs


(I mean it’s probably akrasia and not the lack of graphs in my life. Me, a guy who makes graphs for a living)


i don’t think there’s a clear correlation, for me, between “looking at my beeminder graph” and “success of the beeminder goal”.

yes, sometimes it feels great to look at a graph, because i can think to myself: “look how far i’ve come! look how well i’ve been doing! look how much data there is! look at how pretty this graph is!”
but, i still might derail on that very graph the same night after thinking all those positive thoughts.

on the other hand, sometimes it feels horrible to look at a graph, because there’s so little data, so little progress, so many derailments, it feels like nothing is working and i might even have to rethink the whole goal.
but, that doesn’t make it more or less likely to Do The Thing, in my experience.

this is just my personal experience, of course. and maybe it’s completely useless insight, because i haven’t ever regularly looked at my graphs, like systematically? maybe if you actually look at them all day every day it would be different? (i guess i feel like sometimes i’m only glancing at my graphs / just looking for the information of “what do i need to not derail” and not looking at the graph itself so much, but rather skimming over it?)

would be interested though to read different insights on this! (feel free to also point me to other relevant threads, it’s not my intention to hijack this one.)


I find what happens with me is I start good and make buffers but then over time I end up edge skating all my goals (both in Beeminder and day to day life). I think it is is because I am a procrastinator never been able to kick that part of me.


Yeah, “bad thing happens in 3 days” would, of course, not be a good motivator, but I guess the question is can “green feels good” + “line go up” help reinforce better practices


I was thinking about doing this systematically, but I have a goal to look at my toggl reports and it doesn’t do much to motivate me.

It has in the past, I think. Maybe it’s subconscious, and it’s one of those things I’m better off having done.

I wish I could just carry more productive thoughts and approaches with me more, throughout the day.

Like, the ideas and lessons I’ve learned but they just don’t surface very often. I will try to reflect on my values that I want to live during the day, but I’m only able to internalize it for one action before it’s gone.

That’s better than zero?

I don’t know how to remember to connect with my values when I feel anxious. I don’t know how to practice that. Breathwork doesn’t do much.

Idk where I’m going with this


I was thinking today that it’s weird that almost everything I’m proud of over the last couple years did not come as a result of beeminder goal.

The obvious conclusion is not that I would be more likely to accomplish something without a beeminder goal, it’s that those things hijacked my attention so completely that I never felt the need to set one up.

Although I do find myself shrinking my attention and ambition to the level of the beeminder goal, at times


I have a timed beentuning goal and a goal to post here due at the same time, I realize I spend some of the beetuning time beeposting, but my beetuning could use some more focus. Let’s try moving the deadlines

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