Hey P.U. (or presumably – per recent conversation on twitter.com/bmndr – Thomas),
My first response is that we have a road-width override implemented but not exposed (for reasons I’ll explain below) so we’re game for trying this as an experiment. We’d expose a parameter called abslnw (absolute lane width) for custom goals, which means it would be available with the Bee Lite plan.
But first, let me try to change your mind! 
I’ll start with the First Rule of Beeminder (so named by Jill Renaud, I believe):
Things that make staying on the road easier make reaching your final goal harder. There’s no free lunch. Any leniency today will get paid for down the – wait for it – road.
That applies to myriad things we’ve tried in the past like grace periods and 3-strikes rules. I believe it also applies to wide roads. We make this case in blog.beeminder.com/roadwidth (start reading at “we’ve learned this the hard way” and note that your proposal means staying below a fixed bright line, namely, the top edge of your fixed-width road).
Of course none of that addresses your point about pints of lager and salty food. For that we need to describe how to game Beeminder’s current algorithm…
The “can’t lose tomorrow” guarantee is that if you’re in the right lane (blue) today and you’re weighing daily then the road will auto-accommodate any fluctuation tomorrow and you’ll still be on the road. The emergency backup strategy is that if you’re off the road (red) today you still have till the end of that day (till midnight) to get back on the road. If you end the day still in the red then you derail (though there’s a loophole even here, in that the graph doesn’t automatically refresh till 3am – but you’re playing with fire if you try to exploit that loophole
Also there’s the fact that you start with a week of flat spot, which I know seems unsatisfying, but just think of it as a way to have more wiggle room – the reason you want a wider road. In other words, start losing weight immediately despite that flat week and if you do so perfectly, you’ll stay parallel to the road with 7 days’ safety buffer. Try to maintain that buffer and you’ll always have plenty of room for temporary fluctuations, just like with a wider road.
In conclusion, we think that, if you’re willing to play Beeminder’s game [2] the current algorithm will allow for your lagers and salt case, if you’re careful. Your proposal with a wider road is more lenient but, again, confer the First Rule of Beeminder.
Here’s how it might play out in the current Beeminder:
If you’re in the wrong lane you don’t have the “can’t lose tomorrow” guarantee so no lagers and salty food. If you’re in the right lane and you weighed in yesterday then you do have the guarantee, so go for it. (Ideally you’d wait till you’re in the green, but let’s be reasonable.) You’ll weigh in 4 pounds heavier the next day but you’ll still be on the road because it will auto-widen. Now you’re skating the edge but as long as that 4 pounds comes back off at the road’s rate, which it certainly should, you’ll be ok. If it was really a temporary gain then you’ll be back in the right lane in a couple days and are free to repeat the whole game.
Eager to hear if that was persuasive!
[1] Why I say “playing with fire”: if you were in the red and you weigh in after midnight, that will cause your graph to refresh for the new day. Which ought to derail you since you never made it onto the road the previous day. But if the new datapoint has you back on the road then Beeminder lets bygones be bygones – slightly violating the no catch-up principle! – and says you’re ok. So if you’re in the red you can get away with weighing in by 3am instead of midnight but only if that new datapoint has you immediately back on the road for the new day (not just yesterday’s emergency day). (And if this footnote doesn’t make sense, don’t worry! Just treat midnight as the real deadline and you’ll be fine…) (Also, we reserve the right to close that 3am loophole any time! Though I guess we’d at least say so here first.)
[2] Despite calling it “gaming” we think it jibes pretty well with losing weight in a healthy way – the best you can do for akratics like us.