Clare's Beeminder Journal

I’ve been enjoying reading other people’s Beeminder journals, so I thought it was time to start one of my own!

A little background on my life: I’m the mom of a 6-year-old; I work and my husband stays at home. Right now I’m working a lot less, because I’m going through treatment for breast cancer. (I share that not as a bid for sympathy or help, but just to give context for some of my goals.) Thankfully my company has good disability coverage and I’m able to work as I can, 10-ish hours a week right now, with supplementary pay from disability insurance.

My currently active Beeminder goals, in order of creation as best I can remember:

Crafting goal. This one is autodata using Toggl Track to track time spent crafting. Initially I had “craft” set up as a project with “embroidery,” “knitting,” etc., as the titles of the time entries, but as I’ve read more about how Toggl Track works (prompted by using it as autodata for Beeminder) I understand the hierarchy more, and I’ve changed “craft” to a client, craft types have become projects, and individual craft projects (i.e., “Peaks Island Hood” is one of my current knitting projects, with knitting as the project and craft as the client) are now the time entries. Being able to easily switch the autodata source from the “craft” project to the “craft” client was clutch!

Previously (a long time ago) I had a crafting Beeminder goal that was set up as X number of projects per year. I found I got super weaselly with that because it was stressful trying to wrap something up quickly when I got close to the deadline, and I’m currently finding projects that are not really finished that I’m pretty sure I just declared finished for the Beeminder goal. A time goal works much better for me.

This is set to a fairly low rate, which is working well for me. I didn’t want to stress myself out pushing myself to work on craft projects when I have so much else going on (i.e., cancer treatment). I find that I feel motivated to keep my buffer more than a week, and it’s just enough to push me to find crafting time outside of my weekly craft group–or to do some crafting if I miss a week of the group.

This goal is just… kind of for fun because it’s awesome that there is a Storygraph integration. :laughing: It’s not set at a rate to push me to read more, really, though it has prompted me to read instead of playing around on my phone. That’s just where I want it for now. I have had a few issues with the integration but they’re not Beeminder’s fault–just sort of the way things happen (and Nicky helped me out when I was slightly panicked about one)!

The reason I got back into Beeminder after a few years away! I read that it’s really helpful to drink a ton of water while going through radiation treatment to keep yourself hydrated from the inside out. I brainstormed ways to keep myself drinking plenty of water, and Beeminder naturally came to mind. I’m counting it by refills of the large Klean Kanteen water bottles I drink from all the time (which both have Beeminder stickers on them :smile:).

This is a great goal! Just its existence got me to start drinking more water. I adjusted the road up twice before I was happy with it–now I start out each day blue and end it green, which is exactly what I want. It actually might be working too well–a healthy person would probably be fine with this much water, but I suspect I am low on electrolytes, so I’m going to start making sure some of that water every day has an electrolyte supplement in it. That’s a Habitica thing, not Beeminder, since I want to do it exactly once a day and not have too much punishment if I miss one.

Like it says on the tin, getting to bed on time, while allowing myself to stay up later some nights. Still fine-tuning this one… I started the slope out way too high. See, you can add datapoints with colons in them for times, but you can’t set the rate that way, so I had to do math in my head (OK, I could have used a calculator, but didn’t) and i got confused and just set it at 10.5. Since my real, eventual goal is 10 and I have a Habitica Daily of going to bed by 10, that’s silly. I’ve lowered the goal and plan to lower it still further, but I’ve only had the goal for about a week so I want to take some time to get a sense of my actual rate.

Odometer goal to read the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I am really enjoying Beeminding books! I’m dissatisfied with this goal, however, because of the way the slope changes abruptly about halfway through. When I set up the goal, I put 25 pages a day as the goal, thinking that was a good rate to read at (and it is). But what I really wanted to do was ensure I finish it before I need to return it to the library, so I immediately went to the commitment dial and put in the goal date and total number of pages. That gave me ~18 pages a day, rather less than the initial goal… but of course that only applies after the 7-day akrasia horizon. I would have preferred to have the same slope the whole time. Would that be a use for the graph editor? I’m a little scared of that.

Regardless, the goal is definitely having the desired effect. I’m highly motivated to read the minimum pages per day to get rid of that pesky notification bubble on the iOS app :joy: and I’ve been reading beyond the minimum every day; I’m spending time reading instead of on my phone. And the book is wonderful and I’m enjoying it a great deal.

Another odometer goal for reading a book! I own this book, but it’s my book club’s pick for August, so I want to finish it before the meeting, so that’s my deadline. This time I started the goal in advance and gave myself a 7-day flat spot at the beginning, so editing my goal with the deadline and goal total gave me a nice straight slope the whole time. I don’t necessarily want to do that every time I Beemind a book, though; often, as with Braiding Sweetgrass, I don’t know that I want to Beemind a book until I’m partway through it.

I was recently reminded of the ability to restart odometer goals by entering a 0 datapoint, so maybe that will work better? I’ll try it with my next book goals, I think.

OK, that’s enough for now. I’ll come back later with some thoughts about future Beeminder goals, and updates about the ones I have now.


Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), even with the graph editor, you can’t make things easier within the akrasia horizon, only harder!

Your goals sound good! I used to have a bedtime goal, long ago… Maybe I should consider bringing it back.

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Ahh, yes, that’s as it should be.

Hmm… that doesn’t preclude me starting a goal with an extremely shallow slope (say, 1/day) and then using the graph editor to increase it. This all depends on the graph editor being able to do the math for me the way Beeminder does. If I have to do the math myself (I can, I just don’t wanna), I may as well just do it before starting the goal.

Another reading-goal-odometer idea: set one with a deadline like I prefer, then extend the deadline once I’ve finished the book, which should give me a line with 0 slope. Once I’ve picked the next book, I enter a 0 datapoint and then ummm… I guess I still run into the same issue. But this way I can keep reusing the same goal anytime I want to Beemind a book and I don’t have to keep paying :joy:

I shall now discuss my planned future goals!

Note that I am limiting myself to 6 active goals at a time, because that’s as many as I can see on my screen when I open the app on my iPhone. I think I will allow myself 7 as long as the goal that’s knocked off the screen is an autodata goal that is supported by another active goal—most likely, readingpages when I am Beeminding a book, but I can also see myself Beeminding a specific craft project, in which case it’s safe to push makestuff below the fold.

YouTube: I’m sure it seems absurd to want to watch more YouTube, but I do watch it sometimes while doing productive things (my daily stretches and crafting), and despite watching a few videos a day, my “watch later” list just seems to get longer. I want to try a whittle-down goal to help get it to a manageable length.

I also want to do whittle-down goals for crafty stuff: my mending pile, yarn stash, fabric stash, maybe current projects.

Office cleaning – I was going to set this up already but I don’t have the Toggl Track part set up right :woman_facepalming:t2: I need a specific project for office cleaning so I can Beemind my way to having a cleaner and more organized office/craft room. I’ve also realized it’s quite difficult to take time in the day to work on that while my kid is home, so I’ll try to start it back up when he’s in school in a couple weeks.

Writing – this goal is probably going to wait until my life is better under control, but I definitely want to Beemind time writing/working on writing projects. Right now it’s too hard to find regular time for that. I don’t intend to Beemind words written since a lot of my time is spent editing… except I’m probably going to use Beeminder to keep track of my 50k-word writing goal this November, since the NaNoWriMo organization has rather imploded and I probably won’t want to use the site. Beeminder won’t give me all the fun info that the site has, but it will tell me how many words I need to write today to stay on track, and that’s the important thing.


Updates this week:
I finished Braiding Sweetgrass (wonderful book, highly recommended), so I watched that goal be completed for a couple days :smile: and then archived it. It’s weird how it actually turned blue and then orange, and then gave me a warning that it was a beemergency, but I think I’ve seen that happen before so I guess it’s just how completed goals work?

I created a temporary goal to test out the graph editor and it seems to work the way I wanted! Thus, I have renamed my I Capture the Castle goal to booksss and it will be my “any book I want to Beemind” goal. I also changed the deadline to the soonest it will allow me, so that I don’t have to wait too long after completing I Capture the Castle to add a new book to the goal–as far as I can tell, it will work best if I’m starting with a 0 slope when I add a new book.

After bragging that I ended every day of water in the green, I have spent the last week stuck in the blue :joy: I wonder if I just caught up to my latest road change or if I’m just not trying as hard. Regardless, I’m sticking with the rate I have and doing well.

I don’t feel that bedtime has been motivating me much at all, so I’m changing the rate from 10.3 to 10, my actual goal. I’m also changing derail respite to 10 (if I do derail, I’ll need to go to bed all the earlier the next day, but making it 0 is scary) and ratcheting to 12, which I believe just means I have to go to bed by midnight tonight… not an issue. I’m also scheduling a break at rate 12 from 8/30 to 9/1, since I’m going on vacation. I’ll probably end up with lots of buffer, but I can always ratchet again.

I don’t think I want to take a break from water during my vacation, but I still have a week to think about it.

readingpages and makestuff are trundling along nicely! And I now have room for one more goal, so maybe I’ll add the YouTube one soon.


I got this gifted as a paperback years ago and never even looked into it. I am going to start reading it.

Yeah, I think that’s how it works. Nicky posted a while ago how to archive such goals early before they turn orange or red, but it requires the graph editor and is not super straightforward.


Yay! :smile:

I did see that post—it was actually really helpful in my understanding of the graph editor. That particular goal didn’t have enough buffer to end early, though.


I probably should make a goal to reconcile YNAB once a week. With my routine changing so much I haven’t been keeping up—previously I did it on the same day every week. And I know from experience that weekly is the right cadence for me. I just wish it could be automated :confused:

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Yeah, I’ve found a goal to reconcile YNAB once a week to be useful. What I am doing now, which seems to be working ok so far, is to have the goal be to also plan my likely expenses for the next week at the same time as well.


I did go ahead and create that Youtube goal. I was excited to see that in the first few days I got the numbers way down. Then I got overconfident and added a whole bunch of videos :joy: I had to change the order and watch some short ones to get them off the list and get it back down. I won’t be able to do that every time!

The issue is that when I watch a video by a creator I like, or on a topic that interests me, I tend to add a bunch more videos by the same creator or on the same topic. I need to just… not add quite so many at once.

Trying to get through Youtube videos also motivated me to do some mending while watching, which was also good for my makestuff goal–it had gotten pretty close to the line after I missed last week’s craft group meeting due to exhaustion.

I did decide to put in a break for my water goal during vacation; I’ll hopefully still be hydrating, but it will be in the form of sodas and lemonades more than usual, so it will be hard to track “water bottle refills.” I just set the rate at 1 for those three days.

Bedtime has become very motivating now that I start out every day in the red! I am definitely hoping to go to bed early enough frequently enough to stop having the app yell at me every day.

I’ve updated booksss with a goal to complete three of the books I have out from the library before they’re due, by adding their page numbers together and making the goal date their latest due date. I hope I didn’t mess it up–I haven’t put in the 0 datapoint to start the tracking over yet, because I haven’t actually started any of those books yet, so it looks like I have to read a lot less than I actually do.

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I think I have a better handle on adding stuff to YouTube now; I can just add a couple videos by a creator or on a topic and add more later when I watch those or when the algorithm recommends more. Honestly, the algorithm is often more useful than search for videos on a particular topic.

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It’s been a couple weeks! I went on vacation and finished radiation. I’m glad I added a break to “bedtime” for vacation; I thought I would want to go to bed at my normal time, and I did want to, but we kept doing stuff in the evening and staying up later than I would have liked. And exciting news on that goal: my last datapoint was blue! That means that the app isn’t bugging me as much, and I have a much more sensical way to aim for a good bedtime, since I can see whatever I need to stay blue.

I’ve lowered my “water” goal but am not getting rid of it yet, since my skin is still healing. Also, I came down with a cold almost as soon as radiation ended. Previously I’d been not counting sweetened beverages toward that goal, but I decided to count herbal tea with honey while I’m sick, since anything else has been painful to drink.

“booksss,” “makestuff,” and “readingpages” are moving along nicely. I’m having more success with “youtube,” too. This week I decided to aim for 10 videos below the max on Thursday night, since most of my subscriptions post new videos on Fridays, and that worked very well–no stress about watching a lot of videos quickly to get below the line.

And… I broke my own “no more than 6 goals” rule when I reconciled YNAB the other day and it was a mess, after having been so long. So I’ve added a new ynab goal. I get a point for every account I reconcile, so I don’t have to go through everything every time–I think that will help me reconcile my main checking and credit card accounts more frequently, and once I’ve gotten started reconciling I will hopefully feel inclined to do a quick check of the less frequently used accounts. Plus if I need to, I can get ahead by reconciling mortgage and investment accounts, which should be done on a less frequent basis anyway.


When I created the youtube goal I picked a time of day that I would update the goal (when I’m getting ready for bed–specifically when I’m doing my daily review, since that’s already a habit), but apparently have let it slide a few times recently. Looking at the data, I have no datapoint for 9/9 or 9/11, and I know at least twice I noticed in the morning that I had no datapoint from the day before and was able to update it before I changed the list. It’s not technically an issue, since I’m confident I was well below the line, but it still irks to me not to be strictly honest. This is my declaration of intent to get better at updating that goal!

We’re going on another mini vacation next week, so I’m putting in small breaks on bedtime and water. Everything else should be fine.

I created and then subsequently deleted another goal this week, for a book I wanted to make sure I finished reading quickly, but it turned out to be quite short. I’ll finish it in less than a week–hence deleting the goal. It annoyed me to have to do all that scrolling on the iPhone app, so I’m determined to stick with my 6 goals max once I can! I’ll be getting rid of the water goal fairly soon, since my radiation burns are healing up, but not quite yet.

The ynab goal is worth the scrolling, though, since it’s definitely having the intended effect. YNAB is in much better shape and I’m much less stressed about it.