October 29, 2015, 5:00am
Habitica provides this nice age/color feedback for each task, and gives more gold/XP for completing older ones. If something’s been sitting around for a while, I consider that it might be more difficult or more vague than I anticipated. I might adjust the task difficulty upwards, or add a checklist of better defined subtasks/next actions.
Ooh, so good. This is getting me excited about improving our Habitica integration. I especially want to know what formulas Habitica may be using to determine coloring and gold/XP for older items. See related discussion:
This is absolutely brilliant! I’ve started using it for Pocket and Trello and Google Fit.
Your scheme for minding procrastination is especially smart. Ie, the metric is total days of neglect – the sum of the ages of all the items. Braden Shepherdson (@shepheb ) proposed a similar metric for beeminding backlogs, namely the sum of the squares of the ages, which would more aggressively prevent items from starving. I’m hopeful that your metric will suffice, since it has a more intuitive real-world m…
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