Beeminder Integrations MEGALIST
This is a list of all Beeminder integrations (official and third party), roughly organized into appropriate categories. I’m happy to update this thread with new integrations, if they are brought to my attention.
- 2020-10-17 - updated the iOS-App to point to BeeSwift, which is the current version. Thanks @krugerk for bringing this to my attention.
- 2020-05-16 - added integromat and huginn (Tools to create arbitrary integrations), thanks @zedmango and added Taskratchet (Task Managers, ToDo-Lists) thanks @zedmango and @narthur
- 2019-05-24 - added a link to the tasker recipes thread
- 2019-05-23 - added Tasker (Tools to create arbitrary integrations), thanks to @narthur for pointing it out!
- 2019-05-18 - added Standing Desk Time (Activity etc.), WaniKani (Languages)
- 2019-04-18 - added simplest-commitbee integration for and my own shitty Taskwarrior integration called beemind-hooks (Task Managers, ToDo-Lists)
- 2019-03-24 - corrected lydgate/bmndr’s description: it’s a Python CLI (command line), thanks to @phi for making me look at it more carefully!; added a comment to pjjh/bmndr as well; renamed the subcategory Calendars to Calendars and Task Managers, moved Complice there and added @palfrey’s docket; added @ianminds anki add-on (Flashcards); changed Apple Health - Cycling Time to Cycling Distance (since that is what appears in the app); added missing Apple Health integrations: Resting Energy (Activity), Dietary Energy (Diet), Dietary Protein (Diet) thanks to @apolyton for pointing them out.
- 2019-03-17 - changed the changelog so that the newer changes come first and used a hyphenated date format (yyyy-mm-dd) so it’s not as confusing when you’re used to mm/dd/yyyy formats (at least: I hope); Added MyFitnessPal (Diet) thanks to @are! Added the whole section Interfaces for Beeminder with lots of new things.
- 2019-03-13 - added Nectar integrations: Facebook (Social Media and Communities), Instagram (Social Media and Communities), Twitter (Social Media and Communities), Flickr (Social Media and Communities), Wikipedia (Social Media and Communities) and World Community Grid (Social Media and Communities); Slightly renamed the Social Media category to “Social Media and Communities”; added Link to @philip’s awesome API Coding Resources List (see also API under Meta/Tools to create arbitrary integrations); added Evernote ( beEvernoteZero) and added a subcategory “Note Taking, Project Planning” under Productivity;
- 2019-03-12 - added FreeCodeCamp (Coding), TagTime (Time tracking), Electronic Rosary (Religion ← added this category as well), Strict Workflow (Time tracking), Zenobase (create arbitrary integrations), Beeminder API (create arbitrary integrations)
- Beeminder - Compose goals - through
- Beeminder - Count Datapoints - through
Tools to create arbitrary integrations
- Beeminder - although not an integration per se it can be used to create those; see for ideas and frameworks that use this, see @philip’s API Coding Resources List
- IFTTT - official
- Integromat - you need to talk to the Beeminder API since they do not habe an official integration (yet?)
- huginn - found at Github
- Tasker (Android) - see this Blog post, for recipes check out this thread
- Zapier - official
- Zenobase - see this thread
Interfaces for Beeminder
Things that (not only) automate data entry, but read from Beeminder and offer an Interface for it. Thanks to @philip for his awesome list, which I basically duplicated here.
P. S.: Searching for the topics beeminder or beeminder-api on GitHub might yield more projects to try out.
- beeminder/beebot - Slack-Bot by @apb
Command Line
- lydgate/bmndr written in Python - by @bkam
- pjjh/bmndr written in Perl (was originally a fork of lydgate/bmndr, which originally was a perl implementation) - by @philip
- malcolmocean/beeminderjs written in NodeJS - by @malcolm
Calendars, Task managers
- Calendars - palfrey/beeminder-calendar - see your eep Days on your Calendar by @palfrey
- Complice - by Complice
- Todoist - palfrey/docket - add goals that you need to do today to your List - by @palfrey
Gadgets, Buttons, DIY
- AWS IoT Buttons - see this thread by @thomascantrell
- e-Ink Beeminder Dashboard - see this thread by @phi
- Flic Buttons - see this thread it works also with IFTTT
- Pebble Watch - beeminder-capstone/pebble - by @nectar
- see also this thread with sooo many more IFTTT-enabled physical buttons
- Angular/Ionic - beeminder-capstone/Nectar-Frontend - by @nectar
- Emacs - mbork/beeminder.el - @mbork
- Mathematica beeminder/wolfminder -by @dreev
- NodeJS malcolmocean/beeminderjs - by @malcolm
- Perl beeminder/bee-perl
- Perl pjjh/bmndr - by @philip
- PHP beeminder/beeminder-php-api - by @sodaware
- Python mattjoyce/beeminderpy - by @mattjoyce
- Ruby beeminder/beeminder-gem - by @muflax
Mobile Apps
- Android, iOS, Windows Mobile - Nectar - by @nectar (Discontinued)
- Android - Beedroid - official Beeminder app for Android
- Android - GTBeedroid - I’m not sure any of this is working right now; @yixler’s repo and @zedmango’s fork, see @yixler’s thread and @zedmango’s more recent thread
- iOS - BeeSwift - official iOS-App by @apb, @krugerk and others (replaces beemios) - Link to BeeSwift-Github Repo
- iOS - GTBee - official; get charged, when you don’t do your tasks; see this Blog post and this Blog post
- iOS - Shortcuts - see this thread
- chipmanaged/MCM-Dashboard - by @mary, includes an autodial feature and umbrella goals feature, see this thread
Learning, Training, Improving, Doing
Flash Cards (see also: Languages)
- Anki - number of cards currently not due - as an Anki extension, see also this thread - by @bluetulip
- Anki - time spent reviewing or number of cards reviewed - as another Anki extension - see also this thread - by @ianminds
- Quizlet - Study sessions - through
- Quizlet - Answer count - through
- Codecademy - Points - through Akrasia
- Codewars - Completed Code Challenges (Kata) - through Akrasia
- FreeCodeCamp - see this thread
- GitHub - Commits - official
- GitHub - Issues Closed - official
- Leetcode - Problems Solved - through Akrasia
- Project Euler - Problems Solved - through Akrasia
- Memrise - Points - through Akrasia
- Memrise - Words Learned - through Akrasia
- Clozemaster - Points - official
- Duolingo - Points - official
- Skritter - Hours learning Chinese/Japanese - official
- WaniKani - see this thread by @bluetulip
Religion and Spiritual
- Typeracer - Completed Games - through
- 750words - See this thread
- Draft - Number of edited words - official
- URLMinder - count Words - official
Social Media and Communities
- Instagram - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
- Facebook - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
- Flickr - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
- Twitter - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
- Wikipedia - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
- World Community Grid - through Nectar; see this thread, specifically this response; also note: “these integrations are for testing only and should not be used in Beeminder goals where money is at stake”; it might be easier to use IFTTT or Zapier if possible (see above)
Productivity, Work
- Gmail - whittle down emails - official
Note Taking, Project Planning
- Evernote - Inbox Zero - through beEvernoteZero
Time Tracking
- Rescue Time - at least/at most Time spend - official
- Strict Workflow - see this thread and GitHub Repo, note that this is a fork of the original Chrome-Extension
- TagTime - GitHub Repo, see also this forum category
- Toggl - average Time spend on Project/Tag/Client - official
Task Managers, ToDo-Lists
- - by @yebyenw see this thread and the GitHub repo
- Complice - by Complice, go here for examples and support
- Habitica - To-Dos and/or Dailies - official
- Omnifocus - number of items in your OmniFocus Inbox - through omniminder; see also this thread
- Omnifocus - number of projects that are due for review - through omniminder; see also this thread
- Omnifocus - tasks completed in the last 48 hours - through omniminder; see also this thread
- Taskratchet - by @narthur - track your ToDos
- Taskwarrior - by @openmedi
see this thread and the GitHub Repo
- ToDoIst - Todos - official
- Trello - Card average age - through
- Trello - Card average age - through
- Trello - Cards backlog - through
- Trello - Cards age RMP - through
- Trello - Cards backlog Exp - through
- Trello - Cards moved to or from a list or board - official
Reading, Bookmarking
- Pinboard - Unread Items Count - through Akrasia
- Pocket - Article backlog - through
- Pocket - Article words backlog - through
- Pocket - Total word count - through
Health & Sports
Activity etc.
- Google Fit - Active time - through
- Apple Health - Active Energy - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Nike fuel - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Resting Energy - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Stand hours - official, go here for the announcement
- Fitbit - Active Time - official
- Garmin - Active Time (in Minutes) - official
- Standing Desk Time - see this thread
Boating, Rafting etc.
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Canoeing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Kayaking - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Rowing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Stand-Up Paddling - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Surfing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Kitesurfing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Windsurfing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
Cycling, Biking
- Austin Bcycle - through
- Apple Health - Cycling distance - official, go here for the announcement
- Runkeeper - Cycling (miles, kilometers, times, minutes, hours, calories) - official
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Cycling - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Handcycle - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Apple Health - Dietary Energy - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Dietary Protein - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Water consumed - official, go here for the announcement
- Fitbit - Total Calories burned - official
- Fitbit - Total Calories eaten - official
- Fitbit - Water - official
- Fitbit - Net Calories - official
- MyFitnessPal - Total Calories Eaten - see this thread
Gym and Co.
- Apple Health - Exercise time - official, go here for the announcement
- Google Fit - Strength Training - through
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Stair Stepper-ing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Working Out - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Yoga - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Weight Training - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Crossfit - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Elliptical - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Apple Health - Mindful minutes - official, go here for the announcement
- - see this thread
Other sports
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Rock Climbing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Apple Health - Time in bed - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Time asleep - official, go here for the announcement
- Epson - Hours of sleep - official
- Fitbit - Hours of sleep - official
- Garmin - Hours of sleep - official
- Google Fit - Sleeptime Lag - through
- Google Fit - Sleep Duration - through
- Sleep as Android - Hours of sleep - official
- Apple Health - Steps - official, go here for the announcement
- Epson - Steps - official
- Fitbit - Steps - official
- Garmin - Steps - official
- Google Fit - Hourly Steps - through
- Misfit - Steps - official
- Apple Health - Swimming strokes - official, go here for the announcement
- Apple Health - Swimming distance - official, go here for the announcement
- Runkeeper - Swimming (miles, kilometers, times, minutes, hours, calories) - official
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Swimming - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
Walking/Running etc.
- Apple Health - Walking/running distance - official, go here for the announcement
- Epson - Total Distance (Miles or Kilometers) - official
- Epson - Total Time - official
- Fitbit - # of Activities - official
- Fitbit - Floors - official
- Garmin - Total Distance (Miles or Kilometers) - official
- Garmin - Total Time (in Hours) - official
- Runkeeper - Running (miles, kilometers, times, minutes, hours, calories) - official
- Runkeeper - Walking (miles, kilometers, times, minutes, hours, calories) - official
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Running - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Hiking - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Walking - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Wheelchairing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Ice Skating - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Inline Skating - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
Skiing and other Snow sports
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Alpine Skiing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Backcountry Skiing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Nordic Ski - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Snowboarding - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Strava - (miles, kilometres, time, number of activities, calories, effort weighted time) of Snowshoeing - official; can also be combined with other strava activities
- Apple Health - Weight - official, go here for the announcement
- Fitbit - Weight - official
- Fitbit - Body Fat % - official
- Withings - Weight - official