goes on the backburner

@malcolm has announced that Intend is going on an indefinite backburner. I’m very thankful for Intend and for Malcolm! Intend is in a sort of triangle with Beeminder and Focusmate, helping me to become the person I want to be.


Glad it helps, and hoping it’ll continue to help for many years to come!


@malcolm, what you wrote in that post about feeling trapped with the false self-image created by other’s implicit and explicit expectations, this is so relatable. So, from a human perspective, I can just congratulate you on being able to escape from that place. From a user perspective, of course, I am sad to hear that this great product won’t be developed further - I am latecomer to use Intend fully, but I have recently truly appreciated how helpful it can be. No, I guess I should have written this all the other way around, to finish it with the “well done for making this liberating decision” :slight_smile:


@malcolm I’m also someone who has found Intend incredibly useful. I also completely understand your reason for putting it on the back burner and would like to second @scarabaea in saying “well done for making this liberating decision”