Introduction Thread: Getting to Know You!

Hi all!

  • name: Brent, or byorgey is fine. Danny has been known to call me “Professor Yorgey”, and yes, Beeminder helped me get a PhD, but I don’t place too much stock in formal titles!
  • pronouns: he/him
  • beeminder gallery: here
  • favorite goal: grading-zero – byorgey – beeminder . I get 1 point every day I get to “grading zero”, which is defined in the fine print but basically means I need to stay caught up with grading, one of those things that’s not too bad if you stay on top of it but quickly turns into a stressful, demoralizing fiasco if you get behind. The goal is nothing fancy but it’s resulted in a huge quality of life improvement for me!
  • What I use Beeminder for: oh gosh, all the things.
  • Hobbies and interests: Piano, reading (largely speculative and science fiction but a mix of other things as well), competitive programming, open source, mountain biking, language learning (Spanish, German, ancient Greek and Hebrew), Go