Minding my goals (ian's corner)

I’m minding a backlog of a certain blog. I’m a bit stubborn and wanted to use a doless here, instead of the more sensible domore. Since the blog has a lot of pretty short posts (about 800), I wanted something that was really low-friction.

I scraped all the blog’s URLs and pasted them into an Etherpad instance. I then pointed a URLminder goal at the txt export of that Etherpad. Since the blog URLs don’t contain spaces, each URL is counted as a word. I just go to the end of the document, open the number of posts I need to read for the day in a couple of tabs and delete the lines containing the URLs.

At first I created a feeder goal (a domore URLminder goal) copying data points to a doless custom goal, since you can’t create a URLminder goal as a doless goal using the interface. But after a derailment, support volunteered to move the URLminder info over to the target goal.

I can see myself returning to this pattern. This could also easily be applied to a case where you wanted to write something about each URL, say 50 words. So instead of removing the URLs, you’d write some text under them to reach your goal for the day.