New Month's Resolutions

May Conclusion

I derailed on the readinghour goal - got way ahead then stopped tracking the data so closely which then let it slide too far back, but got it going again after that. It stopped me derailing on my books goal though which was the intention.

I’m not inclined to keep this going long term because it’s a pain to keep track of manually, but I have extended it for another week and may do so again.

June Goal


This is a good follow-up to the reading hour goal as it takes the opposite approach. Get rid of the time sucked away by getting caught in endless scrolling on my phone. This is a good goal to have now as the next month is election season here in the UK and I’m very likely to find myself wanting to scroll far beyond usefulness.

I’m using the Timing app on my mac which pulls in the screen time data from my phone. I’ve roughly categorised the various projects I have there into things that are useful to do on my phone and things that aren’t, and then I can get a figure to give to Beeminder. Data entry is delayed by a day since the app takes a while to catch up.

I’ve given myself an hour/day rate and plenty of buffer. That’s both to ease myself into the goal but also because I don’t want to get caught up in whether my categorisation is correct enough, I feel like an hour a day should be plenty enough screen time for even the useful apps. The major exclusions are mapping/navigation, fitness, books, music/podcasts, the actual telephone thing; all things I generally only use my phone for and, if they are time wasters, then I feel they are the good sort.