Beeminding by k1rsty


Kind of annoyed with how many of these there were but not particularly annoyed with any of them in particular.

  • instagram derailed again before it got archived
  • shredding, I’d give up on this if I could figure out what else to do with the documents I need to destroy! I bought a new shredder a few months back, have oiled it regularly and it’s still nearly dead.
  • readinghour, my May goal, I got ahead and didn’t enter/track data which meant I used up my buffer; a useful and successful goal overall though!
  • stripycrochet - no time/inclination to keep up on craft projects at the moment
  • craft - see above!

New Goals

  • I added an extra reading goal for non-fiction which feeds into my main books goal.
  • I didn’t really figure out the consolidated improve goal I was talking about last time but I did realise I wanted goals for piano and drawing that wouldn’t overwhelm me or each other and are both things I’d vaguely like to improve at so I’ve set them up with low rates and both feeding to an arts goal. We will see how things go!
  • lessphone is my new month’s resolution for June, explanation over there
  • also realised I had a GitHub repository that could help feed one of my other goals automatically so added the astro goal.


I’ve been utterly delighted that my chart inspired other people! Grayson’s is awesome and gives me new ideas for the connections between my own goals (in general as well as in the Beemindery sense).

This is the current version of mine with the new goals I’ve added this month in green. It’s feeling a lot more organised now I’ve cleared out the old stagnant goals.