New Year's Resolutions: December Dry Run

oh, i really should get back into reading all forum posts regularly, i almost would have missed this one!

december’s already half over, and i literally just created a new goal today, but i can’t use it for this because it won’t last the whole year … (it’s a book goal)

however, this seems like the perfect opportunity to finally create a super low rate “fruits and veggies” goal! so here it is: fregs—this is me committing to eating 6/7 servings of fruits or vegetables a week. why so little? because i need to start slow if my goal is as few derails next year as possible (and also i might just bend the rules a little and up the rate after a few months). starting with 7 days of starting buffer, 2 days of post-derail-respite, 7 days auto-ratchet, and no breaks input for any upcoming vacations—which i think is a first for me!