Autodata works
Autodata works very well for me.
I’ve become a runner partially thanks to Beeminder-Strava integration.
I initially started tracking my running duration:
Prior to March 2020, I was still upset at the expensive running shoes I didn’t use enough. (I bought the shoes in 2015 with my first significant income.)
Come January 2022, I had logged about 40 hours. In the first 10 months of 2022, I already 31 hours. I hit my goal for 2022. I also had many enjoyable runs, personal bests, even a very strong runner high.
This has been my most successful goal. It’s also the one that I’ve been most consistent on.
Several aspects of the goal
“I want to increase my running duration.” approach to “I want to stay healthy.” worked initially very well.
I set my running goal for 2022 as 31 hours. 2022 started like this:
Quickly I arrived at the idea that 31 hours/year was ridiculously low! Later, I ended up with segments on this graph with 88 hours/year regions. What a poor judgement in January, I thought.
So I created another goal, tracking number of times I’m running per week.
So now you know what facilitated the great start of the duration goal
And notice I didn’t pay Beeminder much (initially), focusing on the number of times helped enough.
I’m currently at 44 hours/year. Still more a more ambitious rate than the initial. I’d like to stick to it, but I won’t hesitate to dial it down. I already hit my goal.
So now I approach “I want to stay healthy.” from “I should go out and run more frequently.”
Road ahead
In the period where I got overly ambitious, I paid “a lot of” money to Beeminder.
Part of that cost definitely translated into more runs (or running hours) so I can justify as gym membership + “cost of running on a treadmill”.
The other part made me realise I got stuck again. The new approach wasn’t able to sustain my ambition. In that period, I noticed I enjoy particular runs way more than others.
For instance, cycling out of city to run on a trail by a small river felt much nicer. This then became “running out of city”. Then I added “reaching that farm where they have great bread” or “go for the quiet corner to take a calm dip in the river in the summer”. (I ended up running the longest I ever had in my life. And half of the way I ran with a huge loaf of bread in a bag in my hands.)
I guess it boils down to “find a way to enjoy the thing you’re doing”* 
Maybe something like “take the bus/cycle to a park/forest you’ll enjoy running in” may be a good idea for a Beeminder goal. (It’s not autodata but once a week, while I’m using my phone on the bus/bike, a manual +1 should be okay.)