New Year's Resolutions: Ride or Die 2024

I am in with felixm/tagtime.

The goal is to respond to all pings that arrive while I am awake on a given day. Ultimately, that will give me a much better understanding of how I spend my time. Once I have a consistent tag habit, I want to build on it by introducing do-less or do-more goals for specific tags.

I have tried doing this in the past but stopped for two reasons:

  1. I couldn’t find the perfect tag for some activities, and therefore didn’t tag at all.
  2. I got annoyed by having to respond on my phone while I am working on my PC and couldn’t figure out a good way to keep the data in sync when I used a desktop and phone app in parallel.

With this goal, I will be forced to come up with some tag even if they are not optimal. Better to have 80% accurate tags than no tags at all, right?

Regarding 2, I will go for the Android app for now, but probably @smitop’s web app is the better idea. Can the web app send notifications on my phone (if I am logged in)? I should try that out.