“Two things are infinite: the universe and the number of tabs in my browser; and I’m not sure about the universe.” - Einstein (paraphrased)
I am sure that some of you, like me, end up with browser tabs coming out of your ears. I believe I have identified a reason that mine do this, which is affecting my enjoyment of reading articles online. I have attempted to summarise my feelings in this post, and would welcome commiserations, suggestions, and of course ideas.
I love thinking and talking about ideas, but at the same time I often feel incompetent when I try to do so. I am increasingly reluctant to let the ideas I discover slide into my psyche, subsiding into the mush of everything I’ve ever read, watched, or thought. I suppose this comes from my dissatisfaction with sitting on the baseline of culture, desiring instead to be able to discuss and conceive of ideas. All this goes hand in hand with the desire to improve myself and to get the most out of life, something we’re all here for.
It is perfectly possible to enjoy reading something without thinking consciously about it or committing one’s thoughts to a medium, whether paper or digital. The expectations that I hold of myself are no doubt too high (‘aspirational’!), in that it is impossible to have an opinion on everything.
On the other hand, given my writing and sharing activity is so low, what I currently suffer from could come under the heading of ‘overload paralysis’, combined with procrastination and a job in a school which, at the best of times, consists of long work hours during term-time. (I am working on spending my time more intentionally, whether it’s down time with a game or creative endeavours.)
I believe that the tabs also build up as a form of ‘inbox’ and that they need to be ‘processed’ (speaking firmly from the GTD camp), but until now I haven’t really had or found a system that I trust to file those things in. I used to use Pocket but it slowly filled up with articles I wanted to ‘do something’ about, and thus I stopped opening the app as well as saving article to it.
To begin steering toward a forum-friendly atmosphere of discussion and away from an essay, I would like to know how any of you deal with the dreaded tab mountain?
Or: how you deal with the slight dread that an excellent idea or epiphany you’ve had will melt away into the background, your mind unable to retrieve it for conscious or unconscious strengthening, broadening, or softening of another, newer idea?
How do you keep up with writing about ideas, whether fictional or non-fictional? How do you compartmentalise, if you do at all? Do you keep them in a journal?
And most importantly: how do I Beemind this?! I have wondered about a backlog goal - possibly ‘things processed from list of stuff to write about’. Any other ideas?