Opinion: Goal Creation Friction Is Good

Some great discussion with @adamwolf on this today:

First of all, he’s totally right that “friction is good” is a little … off. The airplane analogy is perfect. What I really mean is that making the tradeoff of more friction in order to get more clarity for the user, etc, is the right tradeoff. We’ve gotten this so wrong in the past – getting the goal created as quickly as possible and letting the user go spelunking in Settings afterwards :face_vomiting: – that I’ve been using “friction is good” as shorthand for making the opposite tradeoff.

But I maybe almost mean it. A little bit? Slowing things down, asking the user plenty of questions, educating them along the way, getting them invested in the goal they’re creating, even adding a bit of gravitas, are all :100:. Not exactly friction for friction’s sake but just really not minding it much.

ADAM: I really want to try a heavyweight goal creation wizard, where you write a few sentences about what your goal is, what the actual actions are going to be, how you can prove you’ve done them, why you want to do it, how you know you’re done…

DREEV: :heart_eyes: no idea if i’d like it that extreme but i love it as a thought experiment if not an actual experiment. in any case, that’s exactly the kind of thing i mean by “more friction in goal creation”

ADAM: Call it the success wizard and do some differential comparisons between people using it and people using regular goal creation


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