Philosophical setup instructions for TagTime

I might be philosophically opposed to that, unless there’s a way to make the math work [1], ie, to not lose the property that what TagTime reports is a wholly unbiased estimate of how you spent your time.

The only way I’ve thought of for that to work is to explicitly pause TagTime and switch to manual tracking for some period of time. Here’s @byorgey spelling that out:

My opinion, though, is that this is a rabbit hole that it’s a bad idea for a new TagTime implementation to go down, until the basic functionality is solid.

[1] Example of why it’s hard: Suppose you guarantee exactly 1 ping in the next 45 minutes. You then goof off for 44 minutes and luck out with no pings. That’s when you notice that, by process of elimination, a ping is guaranteed in the next 60 seconds! So you shove your nose in a textbook, and, sure enough, you get your ping. The system has no way to distinguish that roguery from having diligently worked all 45 minutes! Not that goofing off till the last minute is a good strategy, but the point is that the longer you go without getting pung the more certain you are that a ping is about to happen, and that distorts the estimate.

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