- /inhaler – Gah. I just keep forgetting the darn thing. I actually have other meds to take at the same time now, so I’m a little better about it, but… gah.
New goals:
- /futurelearnarchaeology – Another FutureLearn course to keep me busy! This one is only two weeks long, so I’m halfway there already.
- /gratitude – Reminding me to share the things I’m grateful for/that keep me happy in the Beeminder forum. I’ve only set it to 6/week, to give me some room for slippage.
Changes to existing goals:
- /sciencewriting – Completed and archived!
- /histology – Completed and archived!
- /covid19 – Completed and archived!
- /futurelearnarchaeology – Completed but awaiting archive.
TaskRatchet Successes & Failures:
- N/a.
Other comments:
- I think I’m sort of back on track now, which means next up is Project “Blue is the New Orange”, i.e. trying to get further ahead on my goals.