shanaqui's Beeminder Journal


  • /nofudge - I had tons of buffer and then it snuck up and bit me. Ouch.

New goals:

  • /metazoa - We return to the Shelf of Abandoned Books and my usual 5 pages/day rates and days of safety capped at 1. Technically, Metazoa isn’t abandoned, it’s just a really slow one for me. I’m actually contemplating abandoning it, but we’ll find out soon…
  • /progressofacrime - I stalled out on The Progress of a Crime (Julian Symons) almost a month ago now. It would’ve been so topical to finish it on Bonfire Night, sigh.
  • /goldilocks - I stalled on this one near the start of the pandemic, and I’m annoyed I never got back to it. Starting over from the beginning and hoping to read it pretty fast, as Laura Lam’s books normally get their hooks into me prettttty good.
  • /treadlightly - A goal for using my new treadmill! More about this one in another thread!
  • /screensoff - I hadn’t known about being able to set custom schedules on Rescuetime, so when a user mentioned using them to create a Rescuetime alert and then using an IFTTT trigger to send the data to a goal, it sounded like genius and I agreed to be held accountable for making a goal with that concept myself! Behold, my /screensoff goal, which is starting out somewhat permissive (for instance, the alert doesn’t trigger during weekends, and the rate allows 1.5/week). We’ll see how it goes.

Changes to existing goals:

  • I decided to continue the experiment with /lshtm_biostatistics and /lshtm_biology. I’m steaming through the biology module and I don’t think I’ll even nearly need 150 hours to complete it and the assessments. I’d like to get the actual studying part finished soon, and then do my formative assignments as soon as possible so I have plenty of time to work on any of the feedback I get… or just focus on biostats.
  • For /riseandshine, I’m raising my requirement to 3/5 in order to be allowed to check off the daily.

TaskRatchet Successes & Failures:

  • N/a

Other comments:

  • I think that’s it! It’s not been a great week, and I’ve lost a lot of safety buffer on my goals, but I have thoughts on improving matters.