You may be aware that the main Beeminder site is down. Currently Adam and myself are on the job, in the sense that Adam’s doing all the technical stuff, and I’m manning the [oops a word] inbox.
What we know so far: something went wrong when renewing our SSL certificates in the exact same way we always do.
So far, Adam managed to get as far as Beeminder working for people who are logged out, but nothing’s working when logged in.
Update: we have a band-aid! We are now pointing people at a server we didn’t yet restart, which is still working. Things might run slow, but you should have access to your goals. If you’re still having trouble after a refresh on the web version, let us know.
If you’re still having trouble on mobile, maybe just hang on a bit longer/use the mobile web version, though something like logging out and back in would probably work.
Further update: Danny and Bethany now joined in troubleshooting etc, so I’m about to jump into the inbox a bit more solidly and clear out errors from Intend, etc, etc.
Currently working on emails from two hours ago, before the errors, so hang tight if you’re awaiting a reply, business as usual is resuming for support now we have access to the admin panel etc once more.
Huge thank-you to Adam and Nicky for rushing to the scene. See also which for any future outages should be the first place to check (the forum was faster this time, thanks again to Nicky).
Final update from me today: as of the end of the working day in the UK, the inbox is in a pretty normal shape, and I’d expect support to function as normal unless there’s further downtime for some reason while we try to get things working on the other servers.
There’s more info emerging about what the causes might be, but it remains a bit Mysterious (especially to me, since I barely know what a gem is).
Signing off now, but @dreev’s around to update the status page, and I’m asking Simone to check in on the inbox mid-UK-evening if possible just to be sure there’s nothing new and startling there about new errors. If you are still having issues, definitely holler!