"Todoist Zero"

I’m looking for a way to automatically beemind a particular filter in Todoist (ideally, but could be a tag or due date if necessary) and record how many tasks are in it. (Goal is to have 0 tasks in that filter by the end of the day.)

Any ideas??


I’d love to have this, especially for the inbox or “overdue”!


Hmm… So maybe there’s no way to do this? Maybe there’s a workaround or a different way to go about it… Here’s what I’m trying to do…

I want to track output and whether I accomplish the tasks I set out to do for that day, but I use Todoist in a way that keeps me from simply tracking the number of tasks completed. A typical todoist task for me looks like “Project Name – Action Item”. So the task isn’t checked off until the project is complete. When an action item is complete, I edit the task to replace the completed action item with the next one and change its due date. The system works really well for me generally because I don’t lose track of projects and don’t have to review a separate project list.

However, it keeps me from any Beeminder integration that would automatically track whether I got today’s tasks done, which I’d really like. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might accomplish any sort of automatic Beeminding of task completion?


I’m fairly certain you could do this using Integromat. They integrate with both Beeminder and Todoist. Integromat is a fantastic tool when you need something fancier than the basic integration or IFTTT can get you.


Oh, thanks! I’ll look into it!!

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I’ve played around with make.com (formerly Integromat) and this is easily accomplished. However, the free plan of make.com only allows two scenarios, and I need three for Beeminder alone (Inbox + Work and Home projects.) The cheapest paid plan is 9 USD/month, so more than 100 USD per year which is more than I can afford/accept.

Does anyone know of a similar solution that has a lower cost? I’ve been looking into Node-Red, but it seems that requires a lot more programming knowledge.

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I have a script that I use on my Mac to manage my “Things Zero” goal. Something similar might work for Todoist or anything that has an AppleScript interface.


# send the number of items in the Things today list to Beeminder

applescript=$(cat <<END

tell application "Things3"
	set todoCount to 0
	repeat with itemToDo in to dos of list "Today"
		set todoCount to todoCount + 1
	end repeat
	return todoCount
end tell

count=$(echo "$applescript" | /usr/bin/osascript)


# make a midnight comparison file
/usr/bin/touch -t $(/bin/date +%m%d)0000 "$TODAY"

if [ "$MEMORY" -nt "$TODAY" ] ; then
  # exists and is from today - check value
  lastcount=$(cat "$MEMORY")
  if [ $count -eq $lastcount ] ; then
    # no update required
    exit 0

# send to Beeminder and (if successful) remember the last sent value
$HOME/bin/bmndr thingszero $count && echo $count > "$MEMORY"

I run this regularly during the day via cron — used to use the newfangled launchd but misplaced the files when I got a new machine and cron feels like less faff for simple things.

14,29,44,59 8-19 * * * ~/src/bmndr/thingszero.sh >> ~/tmp/crontab.log


Hi Philip

Thanks for the input. I’m leaning towards a similar solution, i.e. writing a script that pulls and pushes data via the API’s and scheduling it with cron. I just need to actually get my linux server (old laptop) operational instead of sitting on a shelf.