Why is yellow brick half plane taking so long?

Taking a wild guess: send cookies to @bee? Oh, reasonably, nvm then :wink:
But this brings me to the problem at hand:

Aside from @dreev @bee is the only other full time employee and AFAIK the only full time developer on it. And there is only one @bee.

Taking an even wilder guess: The Beeminder code is a curated selection of hacks piled on top of each other (unlike any other software project :wink: ):

That post is from 2013 so there is a very good chance I am totally wrong and the code quality has improved greatly making changes possible again without having to sacrifice a kitten or your firstborn child.
However the code is a mixture of Mathematica, Ruby, Python and Javascript if my recollection of strange Beeminder facts serves me well. None of those languages are known for their static typing and whilst legend has it that there exist people who can be productive in dynamically typed languages I do not count myself amongst them.
Of particular impossibility in such code is refactoring for the refactoring tool has no good knowledge of the types of things and at the end of the day you gotta do everything by hand. And this really slows down any kind of change you want to introduce.
So with this and the cultural pessimism I have cultivated as developer over the past many years I expect that @bee is sitting in front of some many monitors filled with vim windows drowning in JS code that tries very hard to avoid change at all cost.

Please correct me if I’m wrong. After all, this is just me sitting on the other side of the globe rambling and piecing together random bits of information and making up the rest so there you go :stuck_out_tongue: