Complementary Tools: Mark Forster's Final Version(s)

FV and FVP behave quite differently. You may find it easier to beemind FV because the chains of selected tasks are ‘fixed’, whereas the chains in FVP are ‘fluid’. (my terms)

For beeminding FV chains, I use a copy of the tocks script and use the comment to record the number of tasks in the chain. @dreev’s ‘count’ aggregation method is slicker and more recent.

FVP more closely describes my actual method of working an FV list, but I haven’t yet figured out what I should beemind, because each chain may never finish, and the number of tasks in the chain isn’t known at the outset.

@drtall: FV[P] is orthogonal to beeminding pomodoros or tocks. Mark endorses doing “little and often” to make progress on a particular task, which seems perfect for having an item like “do a tock on X” in the list.

Possible proxy values:

  • Clock time spent working-the-list
  • Count of tasks crossed out
  • Daily goals of ‘writing the list’ and ‘working the list’
  • Times that I actually do cross out the top-most item
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