Meta-feature request: don't put yourself on the hook for any more big features

Your pleas have not fallen on deaf ears! In fact, your original plea induced a marked shift in focus for UVIs, from new goodies to bugfixes and simplifications. I remember taking it really seriously and deciding that the following month would be mostly bugfix and simplification UVIs. I would even say that, despite appearances, that shift has persisted. Looking at our latest UVIs, about half have been bugfixes and I think most of the rest have been things (like creating this forum) that don’t impact bugginess.

Oh, and one anecdote: It’s true that arbitrary deadlines caused a new swarm of bugs but it’s also the case that it fixed a longstanding source of confusion and user mistrust with entering data between midnight and 3am. There was a convoluted explanation but from a newbee’s perspective it was just totally buggy – but now it isn’t! Progress! (:

General request: try to pick at least one bug that’s plausibly the most frustrating for you and mention it as part of these meta discussions. Lamentations of pervasive bugginess can be demoralizing but specific bug reports are motivating! I mean, don’t hold back on general lamentations – we need to hear that too. Just try to mention a specific bug too. As I said in another thread, when you did that in your initial missive we jumped all over it and fixed it that day.