Anki addon: maintained progress

I’m making a note to make it default to no pessimistic reports in the next release. Not quite sure when that will be though.


Hey @bluetulip,

just checking in to share my experiences with your add-on (and encourage other maybe-a-bit-sceptics like me) to just try it out. I have come around to your add-on and I kind of love it! :star_struck: I was a bit reluctant at first having used the old plugin to track cards studied.

I think what kept me from trying your plugin was that I didn’t really understand the metric intuitively. You explain it well and I think I know what it tracks but it’s hard to grasp what that means for my day-to-day studying. However, once I installed it and used it it feels very natural. I prefer your metric to cards/minutes studied now(*). Thanks for the add-on! :clap:

(* Beeminder users just need to know this is not really a typical Beeminder odometer and even with a flat road you will derail after a while; but the discussion in this thread helps make users aware of that.)


Thanks. It makes me happy to hear that. And I’ve added a note to the addon page that if you want to schedule a break you need to give it a negative slope at least as big as the number of cards that become due.




That’s a good workaround. :slight_smile:

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Does anyone have thoughts on whether it would be better or worse to apply the beeminder habit of making up terms and use the term “rotestock” in place of “maintained progress”?

This comes out of a naming things discussion I got into with @dreev and credit for the rote part goes to him. Rote because currently known rote knowledge is what you’re increasing with anki usage, and stock because stock is a thing that you have but is a quantity that can increase or decrease.



  1. Nobody knows what “rotestock” is so they will be forced to understand your metric. Whereas most people know the words “maintained” and “progress” so they (or at least I) get the wrong feeling that they understand the metric without going into detail. :wink:
  2. I like the imagery of building up and increasing a stock.

Con: “Maintained progress” is great because that’s exactly what it is.

I vote for “rotestock”! :smiley:


Edit: I have fixed it

Warning: automatically updating beeminder after syncing is broken on anki 2.1.28. You can stay on an older version of anki or you can use the menu item to manually update beeminder.

I am prioritizing fixing this but it doesn’t look like I’ll have time this week.


Does this work with the free plan? And with Anki v2.1.43?

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It does work with a free beeminder plan. I have not tested it with that anki version but I have not received any bug reports.


I just tested with 2.1.44 and it is working.


Can someone help me set up the Odometer goal for this plug in?

Say I’m starting a new deck of anki cards that I have abandoned for a very long time. Because of this, there are 500 cards that have not been reviewed in months.

I want to eventually get through all these cards eventually.

I have Anki set to essentially review 5 cards a day (but I will increase this when I get into the swing of things).

Would I set the odometer goal to 5 cards a day?


You would set it to something lower, because cards that become due again need to be reviewed again to maintain the rotestock count.

Some very rough math:

  • Look at your anki stats how many cards you have coming due per day on average (depends on things like the age of your deck and how long since you were reviewing actively).
  • Once you start doing reviews, the forgotten cards will start coming back more frequently. In my most consistent anki usage period I noticed that I had 10-15 times as many daily reviews as my number of new cards per day, so I use 15x as my rule of thumb for review burden on new cards. But you’ll remember a good number of them, so let’s arbitrarily say that your old reviews cause 5x the number of daily reviews, so if it weren’t for older cards coming due you would want to set it to about 1 per day.

Try setting it to 1 minus the number from the first bullet point. This may be negative, in which case what it’s doing is allowing you to fall behind slowly but not quickly. Or just set it to 1 and increase your reviews a bit.

Either way, adjust up or down depending on how you feel about it.


Ultimately I think this is what I’ll do - extremely sandbag the first few weeks until I see what the pace of review is. And enjoy the sandbagging while I can :laughing:


Does the add-on work with the latest version of Anki?


how is it possible that it works in a free plan? Can’t set odometer goal in free plan

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I’m using Anki 2.1.54 on MacOS and haven’t had any problems with any Anki 2.1 version. :+1: I suggest you just try it out, adding and removing Anki plugins is super easy anyway. :slight_smile:

Also, what a good reason to get Beeminder Premium/Infinibee! :wink:

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It’s possible that what’s included in the free plan has changed since that years-old post.

If you email support@ and ask nicely they may be able to convert a goal to odometer for you so that you can try out this plugin.

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I wrote an email to support and got an odometer goal to test. I set up the add-on configuration, but:

  1. I press the “Update Beeminder” button in Anki → it updates my 4062 flashcards and the due has moved by 13 months (I fixed it in ratchet, but it doesn’t add new flashcards from Anki to Beeminder)
  2. filtering by deck doesn’t work for me

What am I doing wrong? I will paste my configuration below. I only removed the token. My target in Beeminder is called “anki”. My deck in Anki is called “Testowanie oprogramowania”.

“auth_token”: “my token”,
“goals”: [
“beeminder_slug”: [ “anki” ],
“filter”: “deck:Testowanie oprogramowania”
“pessimistic_reports”: {
“days_ahead”: 0
“update_after”: {
“finishing_reviews”: true,
“syncing”: true

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I’m just a user of this integration, but it seems to me that it is working as expected. Your configuration looks like mine.

By the due date, you mean the due date for your Beeminder goal, right? The add-on will send Beeminder a total number of maintained cards for your deck, so it makes sense that you would have to ratchet at the beginning, as long as you had more than 0 cards currently up-to-date in your Anki deck.

If you add new cards to your Anki deck, they will not get added to your total maintained cards metric until you have reviewed them and they are no longer due.

I haven’t tried to filter by decks below the parent deck, so I can’t help you with that. Sorry!