Anki addon to beemind cards count and time spent

This addon sends your Anki stats to BeeMinder. It can track how many cards you reviewed today or how much time (in minutes) you spent with Anki. The same data that you see in the main Anki window (“Studied 42 cards in 2 minutes today”).

Use the “Do more” goal type for BeeMinder (available with the free plan).

This addon works with the Anki program on your computer, but if you use Anki on your phone and sync via AnkiWeb, it’s also fine. The data will be synced to the computer and then the addon will send it to BeeMinder. It’s ok if you don’t start Anki on your computer every day (last 7 days are synced).
The data is sent to Beeminder at every sync with AnkiWeb (automatically or when you click the “Sync” button depending on your Anki settings). The addon caches the data that it posts to Beeminder, so it does not send the data more often than needed.
If you manually edit/delete old datapoints on BeeMinder, the addon probably will not recreate them, but no warranty here, the behavior is undefined. The same if you switch from tracking cards number to time spent without creating a new goal. You’ve been warned!

Start with configuring you auth_key and Beeminder goal name (Tools -> Addons -> Beeminder Sync).

I used ideas and maybe a bit of code from this nice Anki addon: Thank you!

Works fine with Anki 2.1.8, 2.1.26. Does not work with 2.1.28+ (20 Jul 2020) - apparently the syncing process was rewritten from Python to Rust. I don’t plan to dig into this, I will stick with the older versions for some time. Feel free to send a patch though. I will be glad if it will be useful for others. Would love to hear some feedback. Cheers!


Thanks for doing this! You suggested you’re open to patches but I don’t see a link to the source?


Looks nice. If you can get time spent on cards on any past day, could you create / add feature to show this in anki? Or at least export that data to csv day spent with deck filter.

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Thanks for contributing. Does this work with Anki 2.1.43?

I followed the instructions here. Beeminder Sync - AnkiWeb. However, Beeminder doesn’t seem to be picking up any data. I noticed in the instructions that there is nothing that needs to be done on the Beeminder side. Everything is done on the Anki side. Is this accurate? Isn’t there something that needs to be done within Beeminder to make this thing work? Am I missing something? Thank you.

Hi, everything is done on the Anki side EXCEPT creating a Beeminder goal. You will need to create a goal manually and write it’s name in the settings.

I haven’t used it for quite some time and not sure if it works. Certainly does not work for up-to-date versions of Anki (2.1.28 or more). Cheers.


Hi @Remoddy
When i load up anki with the Beeminder Sync addon this message pops up. How do i resolve this? Thanks

An add-on you installed failed to load. If problems persist, please go to the Tools>Add-ons menu, and disable or delete the add-on.

When loading ‘⁨Beeminder Sync⁩’:
⁨Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt\”, line 230, in loadAddons
File “C:\Users\Bizzle\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\”, line 106, in
with open(“/tmp/alog”, “a”) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/tmp/alog’