We’ve been talking in the Discord about meta goals for beeminding less edge-skating of one’s Beeminder goals. This has long been a popular topic here in the forum (see, for example, a thread from a year and a half ago and ongoing discussion now on refinements to beeminding urgency load, by @scarabaea and @alephnull: A new meta goal concept)
I want to give a “proof” that beeminding eepiness / edge-skatey-ness suffers from a TANSTAAFL problem, and then relay an insight from @poisson about what this argument misses.
Consider two worlds:
- Status quo: I have a dozen beemergencies every day at 5pm
- Meta goal beeminding urgency load: I have one beemergency every day at 5pm
World 2 sounds nice so far. But what does that one beemergency consist of? Um, bumping a dozen goals from n safe days to n+1 safe days. I.e., getting back to the urgency load I had yesterday.
But that’s exactly the same work as getting a dozen goals out of the red.
If I do any less than that, my urgency load goes up. Which my meta goal – if I’m edge-skating it, which I definitely am – doesn’t allow.
Maybe world 2 is still nicer because if life happens or whatever I derail one thing instead of a dozen things? That’s not really much help because derailing the meta goal means letting the dozen goals end up in the red. (This may depend on how much I derail the meta goal and how much urgency load I allow myself.)
Poisson’s Epiphany
The real value to beeminding urgency load (or whatever proxy metric for edge-skatiness you like) is that it minimizes fracturing of your attention. It does this by encouraging you to build up more safety buffer on goals you’re on a roll with, rather than nudge every single goal forward by epsilon.
Imagine I have just 2 goals that are in always in the red: every day I have to do 1 unit of work on each of them. Now I add a meta goal to maintain 3 days of safety buffer across both goals. The next day I need to dispatch both beemergencies (that’s 2 days of safety buffer) and also pick a goal to get ahead on. From the next day onward, I still have 2 units of work to do but only one goal in the red. I can devote both those units of work to one goal. The next day the other goal will be the beemergency and I can devote the 2 units to that one. Rinse, repeat.
If I beemind more than 3 days of total buffer I can have multiple days in a row of focusing on one goal. Plausibly this is more Deep-Work-compatible.