Hi, welcome to the forum!
I have been tracking something similar, through it’s not as specific as noticing that a specific goal has been in the blue for several days in a row. What I track is the sum of “safe days”, or “days until derailment if nothing is done” across a number of goals. This way I have a choice of what goals to work on more on a specific day but this meta goal takes care of me not burning through the buffer due to acrasia and not ending up with all goals in red every day. I described my setup here, so I won’t spam your thread with too many details in case this is too far from what you are looking for. Will just add that at that moment I was still calculating the sum manually but since then I set up a python code to get the relevant info and post the resulting datapoint via API. I don’t know how comfortable you are about coding solutions - but I must say that while I had prior experience with python, API always seemed too intimidating to me, but now ChatGPT is a huge help, so I didn’t even have to get to the intricacies of the syntax at all.