Greetings, Beeminderers! Thought I’d share a couple scripts I’ve been using to quickly beemind from anywhere on my Mac without opening an app/visiting a web page/etc.
Beemind Anything
The first one, imaginatively titled Beemind Anything , checks for all your goals, shows which ones have upcoming deadlines, and lets you log data points.
I invoke my scripts via LaunchBar, so I type command-space
to invoke Launchbar → bee [enter]
to run the script:
The script fetches and shows a list of my Beeminder goals (in order of next derailment). If a goal is close to derailing, a warning emoji is shown, along with the cost of derailing. In the above image, the anki
goal will derail today at a cost of $90, and the mits
goal will derail tomorrow at a cost of $30.
If you want to log a data point, just pick one and enter the value (and optional comment):
Note that this script requires the free JSON Helper utility.
Beemind {{specific goal}}
I also have a suite of scripts hardcoded to specific goals for even faster access. I just duplicate the script and update the settings per goal.
No screencast because the fastest invocation (no prompts to update the default values) goes straight from LaunchBar to a success notification.
Configuration options:
- Default data point value
- Prompt for data point value? (If true, you’ll be prompted to update the default value; if false, it will bypass a prompt and just use the default value you set)
- Default comment
- Prompt for comment?
- If using a launcher, do you want the passed parameter to be the data point or the comment?
On that last point, LaunchBar (and Alfred) let you send data to a script. With LaunchBar you do that by tapping space
while an item is selected.
So to log a specific value to your crank-widgets
goal, you could type
(to invoke LaunchBar) -
(to invoke your “Beemind Cranking Widgets” script) -
[space] 25 [enter]
to send the value25
to the script.
(I did my best to set it up to work with Alfred as well, although I don’t use Alfred.)
Not sure where to run scripts from? You’ve got options: a launcher (e.g., LaunchBar or Alfred), a dedicated script runner (e.g., FastScripts), a general automation utility (e.g., Keyboard Maestro, BetterTouchTool), or even the built-in Scripts menu.
Again, the links are