Cal Newport's Top Performer Course

Cal Newport (author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You and Deep Work) has an online course on systematically building career skills, called Top Performer. I’ve really liked his books and I’m intrigued by the course, but the price tag is fairly steep ($500!). Has anyone here tried it?


Steep, or effectively free, depending on results… :slight_smile:

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Dehowell - I’m giving it a go. I’ve followed/learnt from the two principles for quite awhile now, so I felt confident making the investment. The 8-week course has just started today. I’m very hopeful to learn/gain some significant professional capabilities here. We’ll see. I can report back with my learning/impression in a month or two.


Hi tyelmene,

I am interested in the course. It’s just opened this week. How was your experience with it?

I’m interested, too, @tyelmene! (Tagging to increase odds that you see this revived thread :slight_smile: )


I did the course years ago when it was in beta form. I think they’ve added a lot to improve things since then. There were things in there that you wouldn’t know from reading their respective books / blogs etc, but I’m not sure that’s still the case. I think you can go a long way just from following through on things listed in Deep Work and Scott’s blog. When I was doing the course there wasn’t much of a community aspect to it, but now maybe there is, I’m not sure.