Building a Second Brain / Personal Knowledge Manangement

Hi folks!

I think the weakest part of my “system” is knowledge management. I’m doing a fine job, I think, but it’s definitely weak comparatively.

I ran into a Forte Labs seminar course thing, Building a Second Brain ( Does anyone have any experience with that course, or any other Forte Labs courses?


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I was in the second iteration of the live class last year and I recommend it heartily. I’ve been using the Building a Second Brain approach for over a year and I expect to continue to follow it indefinitely.

I don’t know that BASB pays off for everyone. I’m in the group of people for whom GTD really works and I know many people don’t find it particularly easy to stay with. BASB can be somewhat similar: you have to work to make it pay-off.

There are two ways you can get a sample:

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If it’s a tenth of a value that GTD was, $400 is a bargain.


When you have time, I’d be curious how your experience with BASB has been so far.

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In short, life-changing, possibly the most important thing to happen to me in 2018. Longer words coming.

It’s $500 now! :slight_smile:

Some of the Praxis blog is also in book form it seems
As if I don’t have 5-6 books waiting to be read already…

I think the entirety of Building a Second Brain is being turned into book form relatively soon. This means that if you aren’t interested in the forum/group calls, you will be able to get the content of BASB for quite a bit cheaper.

This would have been sufficient for me… But it doesn’t exist quite yet.

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