Calendial Commenting Copycat

Nothing particular to report this week—just kind of holding steady on everything.

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Cool cleaning-tracking system. How has it felt to keep up with? I like the way you put less-frequent stuff on the same list as more-frequent by changing how many “day-equivalent points” the task is worth.

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I think it has been going well!

I ought to make it stricter. In principle, the spreadsheet would support a version of the goal where I need to enter a data point every day, but in practice I only enter a data point on days I am forced to.

In practice, despite this fact, my apartment is on average far tidier now than it was under the old regime. Despite all the tasks like “clean bathtub” with big numbers, indeed kondo marie–style “tidiness” was the original idea, rather than “cleaning” per se—things like “does this counter have literally zero objects on it”. But i think the things like “clean bathtub” are also working well.