Calming the Chaos Kobold (Alys's Beeminder Journal)

First Things First Goal

One of my biggest problems is that I know what’s most important to do each day but I keep putting off starting it until late in the day, meaning that I’m finishing things when I should be sleeping, or I’m not actually doing them at all. That’s what I want to dramatically improve this year.

I’ve created a first things first goal as a Do More with a rate of 6 per week. At the end of each day, I assess how well I went with doing important tasks before other activities, and enter that assessment as a decimal number between 0 to 1.

It’s having mixed results so far. For a couple of days last week I worked really well with the goal as a motivator, but then I went into a bit of a slump. I’m pretty hopeful though that the goal will help me improve. It might just take a while for me to get over old bad habits. The goal has already derailed past having a $0 pledge, and it’s capped at $270, so the fear of losing money should kick in soon.