beeminding in balance (a journal)

hi, i’m aeternalis and i’m an akratic.

So, I certainly have aspects of the type bee personality, and I find Beeminder an incredibly powerful tool (for the graphs, chunking, and motivational design as much as for the hard commitment). However, I’ve overloaded the system in the past and have also used it in ways that didn’t interact particularly well with my mental health.

That said, I presently find myself lacking good systems to support my rather chaotic and obligation-filled life, so this journal will document my experiments in rebooting my Beeminder usage, and in working toward a more stable foundation and greater well-being (while watching out for my tendency to chase the distant mountaintops of hyperproductivity and perfection).

I’m starting with the self-described categories of “self-maintenance” and “recreation”. For “self-maintenance” I’m adding three goals that are easy habits (<3 minutes on average) but which, during my regular spells of depression, I’m likely to not bother with (or actively neglect), so I’m looking for the nudge effect here (which has worked in the past). These are set at 6.5 times/week (~93% adherence).

Then I have two hobby-centric goals (overall, the idea is encouraging me to make time for them):

  • running-2025 - I am registered for a marathon in 2025, but at least with my Beeminder goal I’ll start with (effective after the holidays) a rate that is conservative and achievable even on bad weeks. I was thinking 20 miles per week for that, and then cut that in half to 10, which is like “bedrotting spiral” levels for me. I will adjust this upward with time. (I do know how to train for a marathon; just consciously choosing not to use a harder commitment for it at this point.)
  • fiction writing - using a similar mindset, I have a target of 100 words per day, which on a first draft is like “write for 10 minutes” (I find word-count works better to ensure the keys are actually getting pressed) and which I would expect to exceed most of the time. When I have something in the editing stages, I’ll alter or replace this goal with a different one.

Goals I am explicitly not setting:

  • weight loss, meals, etc - not-so-great historical relationship with food. I’ll work on this one at some point in the future. Probably starting with the “primum non amplifico” idea from the blog.
  • productivity, task completion, and similar sorts of “do thing” goals - again, wearing in the system first, and I want to structure these to make life feel more stable overall, watching out for my particular pitfalls (overwhelm, depression). So, some goal-crafting thought is warranted.

(It does occur to me that I could make some precommitments here anyway… but we’ll see. Job one is realistically and sustainably pacing myself and not burning out.)


Sounds like a good plan! I have had a few too-many-goals burnouts over the years, and this sounds like a good approach to getting things running again

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First update of 2025.

I did end up getting a little more aggressive with my goals, which doesn’t surprise me, but I have refrained from going all out.

  • I increased the target wordcount on my writing goal because 100 words per day simply wasn’t much of a motivator. This may end up biting me as life gets busier after the holiday break. We’ll see; I’m working on the “derailing is not failing” mindset here.
  • I added a goal to pin my weight at a maximum, as mentioned in the original post, and a metaminder goal to weigh myself regularly. More on this one later as I set up other systems to support the goal.

It would be best if I let these soak in for another 2-3 weeks before I add more hard commitments. But the goals in Beeminder are looking good. I’m finding that I do tend to edge-skate, but I can lean into that tendency.

At the moment of this writing, I’m wandering in a bit of a directionless abyss, lacking some connection to a “true north”. So today seems like an opportunity to work on that with some journaling. Which may result in new goal ideas. :slight_smile:



Life is feeling better overall.

I’ve done pretty well with the routine, easy-to-follow goals. Beeminder will continue to nudge me in the direction of things like brushing+flossing twice a day, easy+quick cleaning tasks, or stepping on the scale. Using Beeminder to lock in and keep me on track with relatively low-friction habits might be its best use for me.

My running goal has proven unnecessary because it’s one of those things I want to do anyway although I may not want to do it at 6am in the cold. Nonetheless I am very much on track to run a pretty decent marathon and haven’t gained any weight.

Writing is a different beast entirely. The task initiation might as well be a brick wall; it usually flows once you start and feels good when you finish but my mind has built it up to be a mountain. My “want-to” is authentic; just feels like there is no “one weird trick” that works for me (reductionist and unscientific as it is, Steven Pressfield’s “Resistance” concept nevertheless rings of truth).

Onward we go.

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