Anybody who recently finished a step bet game, what was the payout? I signed up for my first and it starts tomorrow and I am curious…
A friend of mine recently finished hers.She paid in $40 and it paid out $51.
I won $52.91 on $40 last week.
Total pot: 31,900$
Started: 638
Finished: 453
Bet: 50$
Won: 61.62$
Profit: 11.62$
I did a successful stepbet and really enjoyed it. Netted about $10, comparable to other reports. But then the next one I signed up for I lost in the first week (dumb, but RL sometimes do interfere… I put off my stretch days and then got sick at the end of the week. And they have no “not-legit” derail mechanism that I could find). So that’s kind of a bummer, but whatever. The really crappy thing is that it wouldn’t let me sign up for another game b/c they have a one-game-at-a-time rule and they still considered me a participant in the game I’d just lost!
If you can’t get back in the saddle for 6 weeks after a derail, that’s, um, totally broken. Now it’s been a couple months, kind of thinking about signing up for another but still a little bitter about that last one.
This “not joining a new game” issue seems to be fixed. I’m currently in two games (one still running but disqualified, one starting in a week)
Hey folks! @apolyton @chelsea @drtall @grayson @mwalla
I see this thread is from a few years ago, but since you seem interested in StepBets, I wanted to let you know that I’m setting up a Beeminder-themed StepBet for early Feb. I’ve played in them for years and found them a great compliment to Beeminder in terms of motivation/commitment device.
@dreev set up a private message thread to keep track of interested participants. I’ll try to add you (no pressure to join the game tho ).
You guys shared some great info about your games too, so I’ll try to link to this thread in that private message.
Anyone else reading this who’s interested, message me and I’ll add you too!
I just created a StepBet game (starts Mon Feb 8, 2021) and I want you to join! It’s a fun 6-week game where we’ll motivate each other to stay active and win some cash in the process. To join, download the StepBet app and type in game code BEEMIND on the Find Games page or follow this link:
Hope to see you in the game!
I’m in! Pot is $120 and counting!
I’m in as well!
Welcome, @mkalbert!
Pot is up to $280 and counting!