Dreaming up a TagTime app for iPhone

Currently have the algorithm implemented in Swift, generating pings and notifications, pings persisting via SwiftData. Working on the tagging UI now. Everything very experimental (and slow-going) at the moment. (First time building anything for iOS).


Coding is going slowly. Learning SwiftUI and iOS APIs has been a bit of a mind-bender for me. But today I took a little time to do a character pass on the styling, and I’m currently enjoying this chunky look.


Looks clean! Any updates?

I was just about to post saying that another user has recently asked for feedback on a TagTime implementation here :- TagTime In The Cloud

Then i realised that other user was you…

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Haha yeah, my thought process was that if this app was fleshed out, we could implement my cloud features with it as well to make everything more universal.

Good luck! I would definitely use this. I do wonder if you’re eventually going to run into any Apple limitations around background apps or notifications. They sometimes have weird opinonated rules about what developers/apps can or can’t do. Good job so far — I’ll stay tuned!

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