🌸 Emily’s tasks journal

I seem to be going through these… bouts of procrastination?.. quite often actually. It would be good to at least recognize them for a start.

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Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning up day — yes
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sunday — yes
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — remember more often than before
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — not even trying (my fridge is empty)
  • :red_circle: Check the other job laptop every Monday — not even trying (although I have email on my personal Mac now so I could look there… after work? no. while still at home? maybe. I just made a reminder. if there’s something that should be handled, I will stay at home to handle it.)
  • :red_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — I remember that I wanted to do it, but I still forget.
  • :red_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — haven’t even started. Still afraid. It’s an icky task. However, I started recording “how to do things” in Logseq, sort of like a “new joiner’s manual” but for myself, and “how to refresh SSL certs” will also appear there one day.
  • :red_circle: Grocery shopping every week — I ran out of money so it’s harder. I could do it though. Because eg. restaurants happen every few days anyway.

Overall the status seems unchanged from the previous week.

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Looks like I become somewhat stressed/anxious and somewhat paralyzed if several people want things from me at the same time. Huh.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning up day — yes. Posting cleaning-up reports to the family chat feels good. Or… not good but satisfying/motivating.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes. I also started ordering more things online, and now I have enough T-shirts and socks and underwear that I won’t have any emergency “earlier laundry” days that mess up with the schedule.
  • …it just occurred to me that I can set up autocorrect for red/yellow/green circles in macOS settings and never suffer ever again. Ahem.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — mostly happens, yep.
  • :yellow_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sunday — skipped a few (?) Sundays apparently.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — did a few times actually.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — not even trying.
  • :purple_circle: Grocery shopping every week — ordered groceries online today.
  • Check the other job laptop every Monday — I’m going to give up on this one because I just wrote in my Teams status “call me if it’s something urgent” and maybe eventually people will do that.
  • Everything else — w/e.

NB: I still have no idea what to do on the weekends. I’m definitely not working on any projects or whatever. Some weekends I walk around the city, some weekends I vape, some weekends I get drunk (not the entire weekend), some weekends I just sleep a lot. (And there’s only so much Overwatch one can play in a weekend and House one can watch in a weekend before getting bored.) Not happy with this.

NB 2: made an appointment for ADHD evaluation b/c I don’t think I’m bored, I think I’m running out of things to distract myself by. Possibly anxiety evaluation after that, we’ll see


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — yes.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — mostly.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — happens sometimes.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — not even trying.
  • :red_circle: Grocery shopping every week — didn’t do any grocery shopping after ordering them online once. Might be good to combine offline and offline shopping.
  • :yellow_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — did once, wrote how to do it in Logseq, made a reminder for the next month.
  • :red_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Update my “problems” page — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine yet, even though I already have a manual in Logseq.

A random note to self: really should use conditioner on my poncho, it feels weird otherwise.

Did the ADHD evaluation, waiting for results now.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — yes, although I skipped this one b/c I was sick after Mexican.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — mostly.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes (same excuse).
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — happens sometimes.
    • upd: checked today!
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — not even trying. But nowadays I have gazpacho, so maybe that’ll be my breakfast for now.
  • :yellow_circle: Grocery shopping every week — did more online shopping.
    • upd: and made a reminder to do shopping every week on Sunday – not sure if I’ll be able to get 300zl worth of groceries every week but we’ll see. Maybe there are also some household items I can get online. Or maybe 15zl for delivery is not so bad.
  • :yellow_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — have to wait for the next month.
  • :red_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — no routine yet. Should be doing on Sunday as part of “maintenance”.
    • upd: did today!
  • :red_circle: Update my “problems” page — no routine yet.
    • upd: did today. Partly don’t want to do it because some problems there are vague, but also “still a problem”.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine yet, even though I already have a manual in Logseq.

Why don’t you automate this?
I’ve seen it come up multiple times in your journal :eyes:



It used to be automated, but then it broke. Currently I don’t have the skill to fix it quickly and don’t have the willpower to fix it slowly.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — mostly.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — happens sometimes. Made a reminder for every Sunday. Will do today also.
  • :yellow_circle: Grocery shopping every week — did online shopping yesterday. And yeah, paid the delivery fee but it’s ok.
  • :yellow_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — have to wait for the next month.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — no routine yet but I did it yesterday and also made a reminder for Sunday.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — weekends are easier, we’ll see what happens on Monday. But likely I’ll be late for work or smth. I’m usually late for work because I wake up at 8am and then stay in bed for a while or take a really long shower or… I don’t know.
  • :red_circle: Update my “problems” page — no routine yet and not feeling like doing it today.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine yet, even though I already have a manual in Logseq.

Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — mostly.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — did this Sunday thanks to the reminder.
  • :yellow_circle: Grocery shopping every week — did online shopping yesterday again. It might become harder when the couchsurfer leaves. But on the other hand I’ll have more money. So I think it’ll be fine.
  • :yellow_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — have to wait for the next Sunday.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — did today, expect that I will also do it next Sunday easily.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “problems” page — did today, made a reminder to do it once per month.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — I think nowadays I’m eating gazpacho in the morning; and also I always have gazpacho at home; but there’s definitely no expectation yet that it’s a routine. Just sorta happens but I’m not putting effort into it.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine yet, even though I already have a manual in Logseq.

The tasks and reminders pipeline

Is working pretty well IMO. Eg. I have a reminder “check my work calendar for early calls” every Sunday. When I see the reminder on Sunday, I put it on paper as a part of “tasks for Sunday”. But it doesn’t mean I have to do it, it’s just a part of “tasks for Sunday” and even if I don’t do any of them it’s fine. Works pretty well for me.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :green_circle: Grocery shopping every week — five times in a row already so let’s say it’s a routine now.
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — did today.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yeah, all good.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “problems” page — we’ll see what happens next month.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day after shower — ran out of gazpacho :confused:
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine yet.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine yet, even though I already have a manual in Logseq.

Some new routines include Drops and Anki for learning Norwegian.


Looks like just a few icky tasks at once (pay for smth, write to my bank, write CS reviews) are enough to make me feel annoyed for the whole evening and not do any of those tasks. Hopefully ADHD meds will solve this.

Update: did one icky task after all.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good. Although this Sunday I didn’t do much b/c I was working this weekend.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :green_circle: Grocery shopping every week — didn’t do yesterday, but that’s because I still have food.
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — yes.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yes.
  • :green_circle: Anki and Drops for learning Norwegian — yes, every day.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally and still remember occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “problems” page — scheduled for the last Sunday of the month.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine. Made “Past week” and “Past month” filters though.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Check my other work every week — no routine. I’m scared.
  • :red_circle: Carrying the Kindle with me and reading when I have nothing to do — no routine.

A new neat way to kickstart routines

I have a notebook for “long term tasks” and I tried just writing on a new sheet “do X five times”. It worked for grocery shopping.

Phone screen time

I don’t even know if I should be decreasing my phone screen time, but it’s been around 5h/day for basically forever. I guess I need a constant amount of distraction, but some distractions (books? Overwatch?) might be better.


Applied for a renewal of my Estonian e-Residency card and now it’s become clearer why I am avoiding icky tasks — because they are very stressful and I feel bad afterwards.

Like eg. I just had to fill a form, but I feel like I spent the past five minuted running away from a dog.

I want to say that “yeah, it’s justified” (can be denied the renewal for valid or arbitrary reasons, if it happens my business will probably die, etc), but… maybe it’s not justified after all. I’m not sure what to think about it.

Perhaps living in Belarus and Russia has got me used to arbitrary badness. Or maybe it’s more reasons.

For sure it’s possible to not feel scared even when facing negative things. When I smoke, I feel annoyed and energetic rather than scared. I don’t want to smoke though.


Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good. Got couchsurfer to help me.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes. (Didn’t do this Sunday but doing today even though I have a diff couchsurfer now.)
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :green_circle: Grocery shopping every week — yes.
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — yes.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yes.
  • :green_circle: Anki and Drops for learning Norwegian — yes, every day.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally and still remember occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Update my “problems” page — scheduled for the last Sunday of the month.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Updating journals in WOC — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Check my other work every week — no routine. I’m scared.
  • :red_circle: Carrying the Kindle with me and reading when I have nothing to do — no routine. I did it a few times but still.

Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good.
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :green_circle: Grocery shopping every week — yes.
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — yes.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yes.
  • :green_circle: Anki and Drops for learning Norwegian — yes, every day.
  • :green_circle: Update my “problems” page — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally and still remember occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Updating journals in WOC — created a recurring reminder & did once already.
  • :yellow_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — did today & created a weekly routine.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Check my other work every week — no routine. I’m scared.
  • :red_circle: Carrying the Kindle with me and reading when I have nothing to do — no routine. I did it a few times but still.

Sunday routine status

  • :green_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — all good.
    • skipped this particular Sunday b/c hangover
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :green_circle: Grocery shopping every week — yes.
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — yes.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yes.
  • :green_circle: Anki and Drops for learning Norwegian — yes, every day.
  • :green_circle: Update my “problems” page — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally and still remember occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Updating journals in WOC — created a recurring reminder & did twice already.
  • :yellow_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — did twice already. 364 memos in the backlog.
  • :yellow_circle: Learning to read sheet music — downloaded a deck in Anki, doing it occasionally but not every day. I think it’s working ish. Can eventually try w/ OP-Z and real sheet music.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day — no routine. Bought some more breakfast foods though.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Check my other work every week — no routine. I’m scared.
  • :red_circle: Carrying the Kindle with me and reading when I have nothing to do — no routine. I did it a few times but still.
  • :red_circle: Eating three times daily — no routine, but I have a meal tracking app now. We’ll see later.
  • :red_circle: Gym — no routine. Create an initiative in Confluence tho.
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A month of Anki

I’m using Anki for learning Norwegian words & piano basics, and I like it so far.

I didn’t expect to like it, because “people just want to learn useless things because they like learning useless things, pfft; also, that’s probably not real learning”. But I think it’s kinda real learning after all. Like kickstarting your passive vocabulary so that I can get to a point where I know the basics and can learn just by doing [whatever I want to learn how to do].

Although… also I just don’t care anymore. Maybe I also like learning useless things.

Another unexpected thing is that even though I don’t do Anki every day, I haven’t given up on it. I sorta had it in my head that “if I skip days, routines will die”. But apparently nah. There are gaps and they don’t seem to ruin the experience. That’s neat.


Sunday routine status

  • :yellow_circle: Sunday is the cleaning day — at risk
    • skipped the previous Sunday b/c hangover
    • skipped this Sunday because parents were visiting
  • :green_circle: Laundry on Wed and Sat — yes.
  • :green_circle: Write about routine statuses on Sun — yes.
  • :green_circle: Check if I have any early work tomorrow — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Grocery shopping every week — at risk
    • Skipped this Sunday because I still have groceries at home.
    • It would be good to alternate online & offline groceries (eg. on Monday?) because I just can’t find $50 worth of groceries every week (which is the minimum to qualify for free delivery).
  • :green_circle: Refresh SSL certs every month — yes.
  • :green_circle: Update my “status of initiatives” page — yes.
  • :green_circle: Anki and Drops for learning Norwegian — yes, every day.
    • skipping Drops sometimes, but I have more Anki now
  • :green_circle: Update my “problems” page — yes.
  • :yellow_circle: Check if I have napkins whenever I go outside — still forget occasionally and still remember occasionally.
  • :yellow_circle: Updating journals in WOC — did thrice already.
  • :yellow_circle: Transferring stuff from my voice recorder — did thrice already. 350 memos in the backlog.
  • :yellow_circle: Learning to read sheet music — downloaded a deck in Anki, doing it maybe every 2nd day.
  • :yellow_circle: Carrying the Kindle with me and reading when I have nothing to do — the first part yes, the second part “occasionally”. But I’ve also noticed that checking my phone feels… unwholesome. I like this feeling.
  • :red_circle: Breakfast every day — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Cleaning email inbox — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Check my other work every week — no routine. I’m scared.
  • :red_circle: Eating three times daily — no routine.
  • :red_circle: Gym — no routine.

(update 13.10)

  • :red_circle: Sit-ups every second day — no routine, but started.
  • gave up on meal tracking
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Skipped many routines, including posting here, b/c the previous Sunday I was playing Civ 6 for 14 hours straight. The next update will hopefully be on Sunday.