Formula for retroratcheting please

Could we have the formula for retroratcheting do-less goals, please? I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get what I want when retroratcheting do less goals and I keep wrecking my graphs. When I ask for 5 days, I get 6. When I ask for 4, it says I’ve got the space for 4, but it’s actually about 3.25 days worth of units.

Could we have some info about what it’s doing so we can try to predict it’s behaviour, please? It seems totally random to me and I’m making a mess of roads trying to guess. This is a feature I used to use a lot, but I can’t count on it anymore and miss having it at my disposal.

Thanks guys!


I would just email support for anything involving retroratchet on Do Less. I’ve seen it take them a few tries to get the road right, so I don’t think there is some easy formula they’re just keeping secret. :slight_smile: