Goal date should support infinity

I understand why it’s nice to have 2/3 of rate, final value, and final date to define a road (or segment of a road), but it would be great if final date could be set to ‘infinity’. Most of the goals I set are of the form “I want to do X units per day/week/month”, and I have no idea what the final value or date should be. The interface sets the date far in the future (10 years?), which is ok, but it would be nice to actually have this show as undefined.

This would also make the API nicer, as a goal could really be defined with just a rate.


+1. Only 3 out of my 39 current goals have actual end-dates or end-values.


Agreed. We’ve had discussions like this before.

Though some people like trying on a goal for a set period, with the goal date being an evaluation point rather than a real-world deadline.

Worse, there are some cases in which autoratchet/retroratchet will change the end date. If that end date is something in the real world like an exam or a conference speech, that’s super-bad.

A world in which dates are either fully-honoured or effectively-infinite would be better than the status quo.